I got my baby rabbit on Monday evening, she is called Maisy until such a time that I find out she is actually a he! Lol. She is such a sweetie and has now got a favourite spot to sleep in in her run which is v cute. I'm looking forward to many years with her companionship.
My eating has been a bit unregulated the last couple of days, I wouldn't say I have gone mad but just not been particularly watchful. I reined it back in today. I did go to spin class yesterday morning but didn't feel particularly satisfied with myself afterwards as I found it really hard and didn't feel like I had done as well as I could have. Better than staying in bed I suppose. Plan is spin again tomorrow night and then I'm not sure when I'll get time to exercise over the weekend. Then Mon and Tues spin and not sure any further than that. Tuesday is my birthday and due to my working some extra shifts I have it off. I figure I will still go to spin as I probably wouldn't have got up to much in the morning anyway. Then home and shower followed by lunch with my mum and sit in the garden if it is nice (please be nice) then in the eve I imagine we will have a family meal at home. I am going out for a meal and to the pub on the Friday evening. This is the first time in 3 years that I have not either had an exam on my birthday or a few days after which has meant the last few were quiet ones. (I did have a party a couple of weeks after my birthday last year as it was my 21st birthday).
With all the birthday eating I can see next week may be a not losing weight week. However I am going to carry on doing plenty of exercise and try to eat as healthily as possible when it is not my birthday or meals out etc. My mum's birthday is the day after mine so there will be lots of goodies about but I shall just have to limit the amount I have.
So the rest of this week: tomorrow work and then probs spin, friday doctors appointment and friend over for lunch, Saturday and Sunday work and probs quiet evenings to save my energy.
Birthday weeks are so hard. Good luck with it.