Wednesday 30 September 2009

I had a dream

So last night I had a dream about running shoes, specifically other people's ones. It was odd but I kept putting the wrong people's shoes on. What does this mean? That I feel like I have barriers to exercise I need to overcome? Or that I need a new pair of trainers (I have 2 pairs and one set have a hole in the bottom and are better for walking and the other pair dont have a hole and are better for running).

Last night's healthy dinner was delicious and I'm pleased to say I didn't eat anything after dinner. I had a skinny cow (40kcal) hot chocolate later on in the evening but no food. That is a big achievement for me because I can't remember the last time I didn't eat anything after dinner.

My aim for tonight is not to snack when I come in from work (late tonight). If I'm hungry I will have a glass of milk. It's a good halfway house, more filling than water but not so calorific as a big snack and it's a good hit of calcium.

I have walked the dog again this morning, it was drizzly but we still went for a nice long walk. It doesn't seem like too much effort. I feel very content right now.

Here's to a good week of losing and being healthy.

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