Saturday 21 November 2009

I WILL go to bed at a sensible time

I am super tired. I really wanted to go to bed at 6.10pm! I have decided to go to bed at 9pm as that makes it likely I will sleep through to the morning. Hopefully I will wake up feeling refreshed.
I remember one of our lecturers when I was at uni saying to us that people who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight/obese. Me I just get grouchy when I'm overtired and hey if it might help me lose more weight then I am happy to have that excuse for a lie in!
I am working the early tomorrow then have a whole week and a bit of working lates before my next early. So I'll be getting lie ins, but also will be back to square one by the time of my next early shift.
In other news I worked out my BMI the other day to be 29. I guess I want to get it down to below 25 which is in the healthy range. But I am not that massive so don't really know how much I need to lose. People are always surprised when I tell them how much I weigh as I don't look it. Yes I have a bit of flab that I could do with losing but not enough for people to expect me to weigh that much.
That's one of the faults of BMI it doesn't take into account your muscle mass etc. Either way lets hope it will get smaller soon.

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