Saturday 9 January 2010


I have a number of things to talk about today so I figured I would tell them all in one post. Several 'Stories' kind of.

A bottle of Wine

On Monday I went to work, a colleague mentioned something about my bottle of wine. I was confused, what bottle of wine was she talking about? I then thought well maybe it's a late Christmas present from somebody. I went to go and see and there was a letter there. Addressed to Sophie C c/o leisure centre. Now I'm thinking it must be from a customer or someone else I've had dealings with. I open the letter. Dear Sophie, Ref Employee of the month. I had been awarded employee of the month for my centre :-) that put a smile on my face! The letter went on to explain why I had been awarded it and ended with enjoy your wine, now that's my kind of letter!

A trip to the doctors

I went to see the nurse on Monday as the rash in my mouth had returned, she then sent me in to see the doctor. The doctor was not sure why my throat was so sore but said it was very red etc. She gave me antibiotics for 10 days and has ordered another blood test to test for some different things this time. I have been poorly all week as I have had this major sore throat and a stonking cold/fluey thing on top of it. I was off sick from work on Tuesday as I felt so ill, no energy and a bit dizzy too.

The Snow

I have officially been proved wrong when I said it hardly ever snows. On Tuesday evening it began to snow and snow and snow. We have the most snow I have ever seen in my life at the moment! Its supposed to snow even more tomorrow and Monday! I have been walking to work in it as I would have to dig my car out if I wanted to drive anywhere and the roads are so icy and dangerous.

Marathon Training

I completed week one of my training programme, then I got sick. I haven't been for a run for a week and a day. And I am not going today either. I am just coming out the otherside of this flu/cold and think it would be unwise to go running, however I feel REALLY GUILTY about this. It does worry me that I haven't trained for a week, but I just haven't been in a fit state to do any training. I have walked a couple of places other than to work this week and am finding my leg muscles ache, I think the slippyness of the paths means it takes more effort to stay standing so is probably pretty good for toning. So the walking is better than nothing. I have to say just a short walk to town and back one day this week really took it out of me. I kind of need some reassurance that it's ok not to train when you feel poorly and this one week off training will not affect my ability to finish the marathon? I'm also concerned I won't be able to do as much as the programme says next week, does this matter? Perhaps I should do some research, then again perhaps I should just not worry and do my best next week to do what I can.

A party

It was my friend's 21st birthday party last night, I almost didn't go because I was feeling so poorly, but I did go and had a great time. I think she did too :-)

A day of rest

Today I am having a day of rest, my body needs it, I think I will watch a dvd this afternoon and get an early night tonight. I will make sure I get plenty of rest next week too as well as getting back to training. I have been making sure I eat vegetables this last week to try and help get rid of my illness, however I have not been hitting 5 a day. My aim for the next week is to nourish my body and take good care of it. Although that's easier said than done, especially when there are 2 boxes of chocolates on the table I am sat at right now!

I hope everyone is having a good week :-)

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