On my way to the gym today I had a tiny twinge of the post Christmas blues, they soon passed. Once in the gym I realised how much fitness I have lost over the festive period. Yuck! I wasn't super fit in the first place and a combination of little exercise, lots of food and a reasonable amount of alcohol made it a real struggle. My training plan said 5k for today which I managed to do but it took me ages. I felt really flabby too, I could feel my stomach and thighs jiggling when I first started running! Seriously that needs to be prevented from ever happening again. I think once the festive period is over I can get on with my training much more easily.
As I said in a previous post I do have a party to go to on the 8th January but that gives me just over a week off partying after New Years Eve. After that I am hitting the straight and narrow with exercise and eating etc.
My parents are going on holiday for a while soon and I was thinking earlier about what a good opportunity it is for me to eat healthily, I can cook what I want without having to consider other people's likes and dislikes. I imagine I will make some big batches of stuff and freeze them. I always find it hard to think of meals to cook. When I was at uni I used to spend ages trying to plan different healthy meals. Any suggestions welcome. I am really looking forward to getting back into the healthy eating habit.
Back to work in the morning, dare I say that I am quite happy to go back now, I've had a nice break but like to be kept busy. Then I have Friday off as it is New Years Day and we are closed. It would have been my day off anyway as I am working the weekend. I do actually find I sometimes get more admin type work done on weekend shifts as there are usually less interruptions.
Wishing you all a very happy new year, lets hope 2010 will be the best yet
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Dad's 60th Birthday Party
It was our Dad's 60th Birthday party today, we went to the races for the day and had a private box for friends and family. It was great fun! I didn't win any money but I still enjoyed the day. My Mum isn't smiling in the photo cos she hates having her picture taken!
It was miserable weather all day today but it didn't matter cos we were inside.
This is our beautiful doggy all tired out after the excitement last weekend on my Dad's actual birthday.
I have one more day off and then it's back to work, those 6 days off have gone very fast indeed!
I am going to have a very chilled out day tomorrow, lie in I think, then run and then potter round the house the rest of the day, maybe do the jigsaw puzzle I got for Christmas.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Christmas and the which training plan to use dilemma
I have had a lovely Christmas, I really enjoyed myself. We had a lovely couple of family days with nice food and lovely presents.
I got some cool running related stuff, a 'my little lunch bag' which I have to say I love! Such a child at heart. My sister got me The Paramedic's Diary book by Stuart Gray which is cool because I have been reading his blog for a while now.
I got a running book too, which has a marathon training plan in it, which leads me to my dilemma, I also have another training plan and then when looking online to see which type is more beneficial found a third plan! So I'm wondering which is better to use, one which goes by distance e.g 6k run or one which goes by timing e.g 1 hour steady run. Can I mix and match? Or does it really matter as long as I am doing some kind of training?
Less than 4 months to go until the marathon. This week is the week I have to start 2 of the training plans if I was using those and the third one is slightly shorter so could be implemented in a couple of weeks with general training beforehand.
This afternoon I am going to a friends house to watch movies, I am really in the mood for something scary, although knowing me I will end up having nightmares.
Tomorrow I am going to pop to the shops to try and find something to wear to my Dad's party which is on Tuesday. Wednesday is my day off and I'm thinking exercise then tidy my room and sort through stuff. Thursday I have work and it is New Years Eve, I have no idea what I am doing to celebrate this year. Friday is a bank holiday and work is closed on this one. No plans so far but I imagine I will have a quiet one at home and probably go for a run. I never really drink that much alcohol these days but over the last week or so have been drinking more often, after New years I am really going to cut back on drinking as it cannot be good for my running due to the effect alcohol has on glycogen stores etc. That said I have a party to go to on the 8th January. I can just have a couple of drinks though. I know when it gets really close to the marathon I will stop drinking alcohol completely.
Now I'm wondering whether I mentioned that I signed up for the Adidas Silverstone Half marathon again in 2010. It is the 'warm up race' for the London Marathon. I'm looking forward to hopefully shaving my time down.
I have to be off and tidy up the house a little bit before heading off to my friend's house.
I got some cool running related stuff, a 'my little lunch bag' which I have to say I love! Such a child at heart. My sister got me The Paramedic's Diary book by Stuart Gray which is cool because I have been reading his blog for a while now.
I got a running book too, which has a marathon training plan in it, which leads me to my dilemma, I also have another training plan and then when looking online to see which type is more beneficial found a third plan! So I'm wondering which is better to use, one which goes by distance e.g 6k run or one which goes by timing e.g 1 hour steady run. Can I mix and match? Or does it really matter as long as I am doing some kind of training?
Less than 4 months to go until the marathon. This week is the week I have to start 2 of the training plans if I was using those and the third one is slightly shorter so could be implemented in a couple of weeks with general training beforehand.
This afternoon I am going to a friends house to watch movies, I am really in the mood for something scary, although knowing me I will end up having nightmares.
Tomorrow I am going to pop to the shops to try and find something to wear to my Dad's party which is on Tuesday. Wednesday is my day off and I'm thinking exercise then tidy my room and sort through stuff. Thursday I have work and it is New Years Eve, I have no idea what I am doing to celebrate this year. Friday is a bank holiday and work is closed on this one. No plans so far but I imagine I will have a quiet one at home and probably go for a run. I never really drink that much alcohol these days but over the last week or so have been drinking more often, after New years I am really going to cut back on drinking as it cannot be good for my running due to the effect alcohol has on glycogen stores etc. That said I have a party to go to on the 8th January. I can just have a couple of drinks though. I know when it gets really close to the marathon I will stop drinking alcohol completely.
Now I'm wondering whether I mentioned that I signed up for the Adidas Silverstone Half marathon again in 2010. It is the 'warm up race' for the London Marathon. I'm looking forward to hopefully shaving my time down.
I have to be off and tidy up the house a little bit before heading off to my friend's house.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Review of 2009 in Survey Form
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Ran a half marathon, drove in snowy conditions, graduated from university
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
If I remember rightly they were aims and were run a half marathon and graduate from university both of which I completed.
Next year my aims are to cut down on swearing and run the London Marathon
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My friend Naomi had a baby girl
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no
5. What countries did you visit?
Wales. (and England where I live)
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
14th May, the day I finished university
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Running a half marathon, getting my job, finishing uni
9. What was your biggest failure?
I didn't exercise very much for a few months after the half marathon
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes my mystery illness!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I bought hardly anything! Perhaps the hire of my robes for graduation, I felt so special wearing them :-)
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Friends and weird as it is my doctor for being so nice about my throat and very helpful as I have found doctors in the past to be dismissive about health problems.
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Probably someone at some point but right now I'm so happy I couldn't care less!
14. Where did most of your money go?
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Getting into the London Marathon for next year, my birthday party, the half marathon and right now Christmas
16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
The sunscreen song, we used to listen to it when we were doing our uni work to motivate us.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier, I've been so much happier this year, I am a much more chilled out person
ii. thinner or fatter? thinner I think
iii. richer or poorer? Richer, yay for a job!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Going out and having fun (this is a repeat of last year, note to self get a life!!!)
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
At home with my family :-)
22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favourite TV programme?
I watched hardly any TV, although I watched quite a lot of family guy as its on when I get in from work
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't do hate, it's not worth it, and right now I can't think of anyone who's peed me off!
26. What was the best book you read?
The other hand I think it's called, I can't remember who it's by either!
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
La Roux
28. What did you want and get?
My first ever medal! (and 2nd)
30. What was your favourite film of this year?
Die Hard 4!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 21 and I took a 3 hour biochemistry and clinical nutrition exam! Then all my course mates came round to our flat after the exam for lunch and drinkies before we had a quiet rest of the day due to still having exams left.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Chilling out a bit more and socialising more when I was at uni.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Comfy and nice
34. What kept you sane?
My lovely friends and family
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
37. Who did you miss?
38. Who was the best new person you met?
There is one person in particular who I get on really well with but no names mentioned cos wouldn't want to embarass them
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
Don't worry be happy, Live and learn
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Life is a rollercoaster just gotta ride it!
I have one more shift at work and then I will be finished for Christmas, yippee. I have lots to get done at work tomorrow but I am so excited about Christmas so will be in a very good mood :-)
After work I will come home and then we do family stuff Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and Boxing Day are usually spent with the family too, I can't wait.
Have a fab one all xxx
Ran a half marathon, drove in snowy conditions, graduated from university
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
If I remember rightly they were aims and were run a half marathon and graduate from university both of which I completed.
Next year my aims are to cut down on swearing and run the London Marathon
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My friend Naomi had a baby girl
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no
5. What countries did you visit?
Wales. (and England where I live)
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
14th May, the day I finished university
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Running a half marathon, getting my job, finishing uni
9. What was your biggest failure?
I didn't exercise very much for a few months after the half marathon
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes my mystery illness!
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I bought hardly anything! Perhaps the hire of my robes for graduation, I felt so special wearing them :-)
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Friends and weird as it is my doctor for being so nice about my throat and very helpful as I have found doctors in the past to be dismissive about health problems.
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Probably someone at some point but right now I'm so happy I couldn't care less!
14. Where did most of your money go?
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Getting into the London Marathon for next year, my birthday party, the half marathon and right now Christmas
16. What song will always remind you of 2009?
The sunscreen song, we used to listen to it when we were doing our uni work to motivate us.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier, I've been so much happier this year, I am a much more chilled out person
ii. thinner or fatter? thinner I think
iii. richer or poorer? Richer, yay for a job!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Going out and having fun (this is a repeat of last year, note to self get a life!!!)
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
At home with my family :-)
22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favourite TV programme?
I watched hardly any TV, although I watched quite a lot of family guy as its on when I get in from work
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't do hate, it's not worth it, and right now I can't think of anyone who's peed me off!
26. What was the best book you read?
The other hand I think it's called, I can't remember who it's by either!
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
La Roux
28. What did you want and get?
My first ever medal! (and 2nd)
30. What was your favourite film of this year?
Die Hard 4!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 21 and I took a 3 hour biochemistry and clinical nutrition exam! Then all my course mates came round to our flat after the exam for lunch and drinkies before we had a quiet rest of the day due to still having exams left.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Chilling out a bit more and socialising more when I was at uni.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Comfy and nice
34. What kept you sane?
My lovely friends and family
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
37. Who did you miss?
38. Who was the best new person you met?
There is one person in particular who I get on really well with but no names mentioned cos wouldn't want to embarass them
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
Don't worry be happy, Live and learn
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Life is a rollercoaster just gotta ride it!
I have one more shift at work and then I will be finished for Christmas, yippee. I have lots to get done at work tomorrow but I am so excited about Christmas so will be in a very good mood :-)
After work I will come home and then we do family stuff Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and Boxing Day are usually spent with the family too, I can't wait.
Have a fab one all xxx
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
I haven't updated in a little while, I have been rather busy and finding the time to turn my computer on and update just hasn't happened.
Healthy You Challenge Update
The challenge is going ok, I haven't been able to exercise much over the last couple of weeks, I have had a lot of occasions when there has been lots of nice foods etc, I have enjoyed the foods but also made compromises to balance it out. A success I feel.
Dad's 60th Birthday
It was my Dad's 60th Birthday on Sunday so we had a lovely family day at home with a nice lunch and then played games and watched dvds. The majority of us also had a snooze after lunch! He is having a party in a weeks time with wider family and friends, I am looking forward to it even though I haven't got anything to wear yet!
So you know how I said we never get snow? Well we had some last week that settled and then melted and we have it again now. It started snowing yesterday afternoon about an hour before I was due to start work. It stopped just after I got home from work. It settled. I was starting work late afternoon yesterday so while most people were travelling home in it I was going to work which inevitably meant I would have to go home in the poor conditions late at night. I have never driven in snow before, whenever we have had snow before I have been able to walk or cycle. My Dad offered to drive me to work but I felt I would have to bite the bullet and drive myself, I figured at some point in my life I would have to drive in snow. It was fine, everyone was driving slowly and carefully. On the way back the conditions were worse but I made it home without skidding or anything. At one point I was coming up to a junction to turn left and tried to follow the curve as you're supposed to but car decided to go straight, think it probably couldn't grip the road properly. All was fine in the end. In our country everyone makes a big fuss when it snows and places close down etc etc, people always comment how in such and such a country they have loads of snow and no problems. I think the reason we have so many problems is because it is so rare to have snow over here so people aren't used to it.
Giving Blood
I gave blood last Monday, my iron levels were fine :-) the next session I am going to is 26th April, the day after the London Marathon!!! Not sure whether that is a good idea or not. Over here you are advised to wait 16 weeks between donations as it takes 12-16 weeks for your iron levels to return to normal levels after a donation. 16 weeks would be before the marathon but the next session in my town after 16 weeks is the 26th April. We shall see, I may not be able to walk that day!
I still need to finish my Christmas shopping, I need to go into town later on before work to get some prizes for a Christmas raffle we have organised for our customers at work. I also need to get some bits as my friend is coming over for lunch tomorrow and hopefully finish my present buying at the same time I'm in town. This is cutting it a bit fine, I realise I vowed to get my shopping done early this year due to working full time. That didn't happen!
Have a very Merry Christmas all and a happy new year :-)
Healthy You Challenge Update
The challenge is going ok, I haven't been able to exercise much over the last couple of weeks, I have had a lot of occasions when there has been lots of nice foods etc, I have enjoyed the foods but also made compromises to balance it out. A success I feel.
Dad's 60th Birthday
It was my Dad's 60th Birthday on Sunday so we had a lovely family day at home with a nice lunch and then played games and watched dvds. The majority of us also had a snooze after lunch! He is having a party in a weeks time with wider family and friends, I am looking forward to it even though I haven't got anything to wear yet!
So you know how I said we never get snow? Well we had some last week that settled and then melted and we have it again now. It started snowing yesterday afternoon about an hour before I was due to start work. It stopped just after I got home from work. It settled. I was starting work late afternoon yesterday so while most people were travelling home in it I was going to work which inevitably meant I would have to go home in the poor conditions late at night. I have never driven in snow before, whenever we have had snow before I have been able to walk or cycle. My Dad offered to drive me to work but I felt I would have to bite the bullet and drive myself, I figured at some point in my life I would have to drive in snow. It was fine, everyone was driving slowly and carefully. On the way back the conditions were worse but I made it home without skidding or anything. At one point I was coming up to a junction to turn left and tried to follow the curve as you're supposed to but car decided to go straight, think it probably couldn't grip the road properly. All was fine in the end. In our country everyone makes a big fuss when it snows and places close down etc etc, people always comment how in such and such a country they have loads of snow and no problems. I think the reason we have so many problems is because it is so rare to have snow over here so people aren't used to it.
Giving Blood
I gave blood last Monday, my iron levels were fine :-) the next session I am going to is 26th April, the day after the London Marathon!!! Not sure whether that is a good idea or not. Over here you are advised to wait 16 weeks between donations as it takes 12-16 weeks for your iron levels to return to normal levels after a donation. 16 weeks would be before the marathon but the next session in my town after 16 weeks is the 26th April. We shall see, I may not be able to walk that day!
I still need to finish my Christmas shopping, I need to go into town later on before work to get some prizes for a Christmas raffle we have organised for our customers at work. I also need to get some bits as my friend is coming over for lunch tomorrow and hopefully finish my present buying at the same time I'm in town. This is cutting it a bit fine, I realise I vowed to get my shopping done early this year due to working full time. That didn't happen!
Have a very Merry Christmas all and a happy new year :-)
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
50 Posts Later
So this is my 50th post on this blog.
I am having a productive day today, I have my washing in and I am popping into work for a bit later on to go through some things that I need to learn how to do. Then this evening we are going to make the mince pies ready for Christmas. I don't actually like mince pies but I love making them. I think it's because I love baking and I love Christmas and making mince pies means it's near to Christmas. We will freeze them until nearer the time.
I went to the gym yesterday after work wearing my new sports bra, my £18 new sports bra, I got on the treadmill to have a good run only to discover that the sports bra which stated on the packet for running was in fact crap! So annoying, I tried it on in the shop and it fitted well and seemed supportive. I will have to keep it as I have worn it now. I will just have to wear a normal bra underneath in future. I had a really good session on the cross trainer instead, on a higher level than usual and I went faster. It was great for getting some aggression out after a stressful day. My eating however hasn't been great lately, I am trying to rein it in.
It is getting close to eating season now, Friday night I am going to my work Christmas meal, then I have a week or so before it really gets into eating lots. My sister's birthday is on Christmas day so she usually celebrates on a different day which is this Sunday this year, so another eating occasion. After that I have a few days of normal eating before it starts getting to people coming over to visit then my Dad's birthday, Christmas and pretty much a couple of weeks of just eating! I'm hoping to do lots of exercise so I don't put on loads of weight. Myself and a friend were wondering the other day how much weight you could put on in a month if you really tried to have loads of calories.
I am going to try and eat well the next few days then enjoy the meal Friday then eat well again as much as I can. I want to enjoy Christmas and the food. So I just have to get the balance right between enjoyment and putting on a million pounds in weight!
I am having a productive day today, I have my washing in and I am popping into work for a bit later on to go through some things that I need to learn how to do. Then this evening we are going to make the mince pies ready for Christmas. I don't actually like mince pies but I love making them. I think it's because I love baking and I love Christmas and making mince pies means it's near to Christmas. We will freeze them until nearer the time.
I went to the gym yesterday after work wearing my new sports bra, my £18 new sports bra, I got on the treadmill to have a good run only to discover that the sports bra which stated on the packet for running was in fact crap! So annoying, I tried it on in the shop and it fitted well and seemed supportive. I will have to keep it as I have worn it now. I will just have to wear a normal bra underneath in future. I had a really good session on the cross trainer instead, on a higher level than usual and I went faster. It was great for getting some aggression out after a stressful day. My eating however hasn't been great lately, I am trying to rein it in.
It is getting close to eating season now, Friday night I am going to my work Christmas meal, then I have a week or so before it really gets into eating lots. My sister's birthday is on Christmas day so she usually celebrates on a different day which is this Sunday this year, so another eating occasion. After that I have a few days of normal eating before it starts getting to people coming over to visit then my Dad's birthday, Christmas and pretty much a couple of weeks of just eating! I'm hoping to do lots of exercise so I don't put on loads of weight. Myself and a friend were wondering the other day how much weight you could put on in a month if you really tried to have loads of calories.
I am going to try and eat well the next few days then enjoy the meal Friday then eat well again as much as I can. I want to enjoy Christmas and the food. So I just have to get the balance right between enjoyment and putting on a million pounds in weight!
Monday, 7 December 2009
It's my day off and I'm sat at home getting a few bits done online. I'm pretty chilly.
I've made an appointment to give blood on Monday, hopefully this time my haemoglobin levels will be high enough to donate. I finished my iron tablets last Monday so I think it's unlikely my levels will be low. I'm going to have to rush straight to work after I've donated as they are only doing an afternoon session this time and the earliest appointment left was 55mins before I was due to start work. They usually say to allow an hour to go through the whole process but I have found it to take only 30mins in the past and I know they have now changed the process slightly to make it quicker. Some Mondays I start at 4 and some at 3.30, unfortunately next Monday is a 3.30 day so I have asked that I can come in at 4 and make up the half an hour this week. So this way I have an hour and 25mins after my appointment starts to get done and get to work. I imagine I won't need all that time but it's better than constantly looking at my watch thinking I've got to be at work for 3.30.
Tomorrow I am working the early and then am going straight to the gym. I will also be walking to work as my car is away getting fixed this week.
This afternoon I am going to a garden centre near where I live that also has lots of Christmassy things this time of year, then tonight one of my friends who I haven't seen for a while is coming over. I am trying to make the most of working earlies/days off this week. I have today off as time in lieu due to working extra last week. I got to choose which day I had off so went for today as it was a late shift.
The weather here is a bit dreary, think it's predicted to be a rainy Christmas. I always hope for snow over Christmas, I LOVE snow! I find it so magical and it hardly ever snows and settles here so snow is a bit of an event. I think it only ever snows and settles about once a year. I remember it once snowing on Christmas day but it was only a light flutter that did not settle. As the song goes 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas' Yes please. Although icy conditions aren't great when you're training for a marathon. It can snow on a day when I've just been for a running and am having a rest day the next and then melt away overnight after the rest day so it's clear for me the next training day. Great, now I just need it to actually happen like that.
I'm off to have some lunch now, will try and have some red meat and have plenty the rest of the week so I can build up my iron stores ready for Monday. I'll be so cross if my haemoglobin levels are still low although I think that's very unlikely. After Monday my next session to give blood will be rather close to the marathon, it takes 12-16 weeks for your iron levels to recover after giving blood so I may well wait until after the marathon to donate again.
Have a good week all.
I've made an appointment to give blood on Monday, hopefully this time my haemoglobin levels will be high enough to donate. I finished my iron tablets last Monday so I think it's unlikely my levels will be low. I'm going to have to rush straight to work after I've donated as they are only doing an afternoon session this time and the earliest appointment left was 55mins before I was due to start work. They usually say to allow an hour to go through the whole process but I have found it to take only 30mins in the past and I know they have now changed the process slightly to make it quicker. Some Mondays I start at 4 and some at 3.30, unfortunately next Monday is a 3.30 day so I have asked that I can come in at 4 and make up the half an hour this week. So this way I have an hour and 25mins after my appointment starts to get done and get to work. I imagine I won't need all that time but it's better than constantly looking at my watch thinking I've got to be at work for 3.30.
Tomorrow I am working the early and then am going straight to the gym. I will also be walking to work as my car is away getting fixed this week.
This afternoon I am going to a garden centre near where I live that also has lots of Christmassy things this time of year, then tonight one of my friends who I haven't seen for a while is coming over. I am trying to make the most of working earlies/days off this week. I have today off as time in lieu due to working extra last week. I got to choose which day I had off so went for today as it was a late shift.
The weather here is a bit dreary, think it's predicted to be a rainy Christmas. I always hope for snow over Christmas, I LOVE snow! I find it so magical and it hardly ever snows and settles here so snow is a bit of an event. I think it only ever snows and settles about once a year. I remember it once snowing on Christmas day but it was only a light flutter that did not settle. As the song goes 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas' Yes please. Although icy conditions aren't great when you're training for a marathon. It can snow on a day when I've just been for a running and am having a rest day the next and then melt away overnight after the rest day so it's clear for me the next training day. Great, now I just need it to actually happen like that.
I'm off to have some lunch now, will try and have some red meat and have plenty the rest of the week so I can build up my iron stores ready for Monday. I'll be so cross if my haemoglobin levels are still low although I think that's very unlikely. After Monday my next session to give blood will be rather close to the marathon, it takes 12-16 weeks for your iron levels to recover after giving blood so I may well wait until after the marathon to donate again.
Have a good week all.
giving blood,
healthy you challenge,
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Updatey Watey
My blog has been slightly neglected of late, sorry blog!
I worked the early today and then headed to the gym with a work friend straight afterwards. I then came home and had an Innocent Veg pot for my dinner. It was delicious and contained 3 of my 5 a day. It was also on special offer so cheaper!
I am still not doing amazingly with healthy eating but getting there. Haven't weighed this week, I've been sort of feeling meh! Feeling much better now though.
I'm finding life sort of gets in the way of good intentions sometimes. Working shifts makes it hard for me to fit in exercise, I have been doing quite well with it lately though and am determined to keep it up. The weight should soon be falling off me.
Haven't really got much other news, just been working mainly. I am going out on Saturday night and I can't wait, I have had such a lack of social life lately.
Have a great week all.
I worked the early today and then headed to the gym with a work friend straight afterwards. I then came home and had an Innocent Veg pot for my dinner. It was delicious and contained 3 of my 5 a day. It was also on special offer so cheaper!
I am still not doing amazingly with healthy eating but getting there. Haven't weighed this week, I've been sort of feeling meh! Feeling much better now though.
I'm finding life sort of gets in the way of good intentions sometimes. Working shifts makes it hard for me to fit in exercise, I have been doing quite well with it lately though and am determined to keep it up. The weight should soon be falling off me.
Haven't really got much other news, just been working mainly. I am going out on Saturday night and I can't wait, I have had such a lack of social life lately.
Have a great week all.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
A balanced diet
A balanced diet... a cup of green tea in one hand and a doughnut in the other? I wish! Wouldn't it be great if one good food choice cancelled out one not so good?
I had a good gym session this morning and was pretty healthy with my eating yesterday so I'm not going to feel guilty about my doughnut which for the record was disappointing.
The weather has gotten pretty cold the last couple of days, I'm just about to start some work on my computer and am seriously considering getting my hot water bottle.
Tomorrow I am meeting a friend who is back for this weekend for lunch, I'm not sure what I'll have but I'm not going to worry overly as I don't eat out very often.
Then this week I will be busy with working and exercising and don't really have any other plans so far.
Christmas is just around the corner, it seems to have crept up on me and I am not very organised yet!
I had a good gym session this morning and was pretty healthy with my eating yesterday so I'm not going to feel guilty about my doughnut which for the record was disappointing.
The weather has gotten pretty cold the last couple of days, I'm just about to start some work on my computer and am seriously considering getting my hot water bottle.
Tomorrow I am meeting a friend who is back for this weekend for lunch, I'm not sure what I'll have but I'm not going to worry overly as I don't eat out very often.
Then this week I will be busy with working and exercising and don't really have any other plans so far.
Christmas is just around the corner, it seems to have crept up on me and I am not very organised yet!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
The incredible shrinking Sophie
I am getting smaller! My tummy is getting smaller, my face is getting thinnner, the numbers on the scale keep going down.
Long may it last.
Long may it last.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
I WILL go to bed at a sensible time
I am super tired. I really wanted to go to bed at 6.10pm! I have decided to go to bed at 9pm as that makes it likely I will sleep through to the morning. Hopefully I will wake up feeling refreshed.
I remember one of our lecturers when I was at uni saying to us that people who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight/obese. Me I just get grouchy when I'm overtired and hey if it might help me lose more weight then I am happy to have that excuse for a lie in!
I am working the early tomorrow then have a whole week and a bit of working lates before my next early. So I'll be getting lie ins, but also will be back to square one by the time of my next early shift.
In other news I worked out my BMI the other day to be 29. I guess I want to get it down to below 25 which is in the healthy range. But I am not that massive so don't really know how much I need to lose. People are always surprised when I tell them how much I weigh as I don't look it. Yes I have a bit of flab that I could do with losing but not enough for people to expect me to weigh that much.
That's one of the faults of BMI it doesn't take into account your muscle mass etc. Either way lets hope it will get smaller soon.
I remember one of our lecturers when I was at uni saying to us that people who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight/obese. Me I just get grouchy when I'm overtired and hey if it might help me lose more weight then I am happy to have that excuse for a lie in!
I am working the early tomorrow then have a whole week and a bit of working lates before my next early. So I'll be getting lie ins, but also will be back to square one by the time of my next early shift.
In other news I worked out my BMI the other day to be 29. I guess I want to get it down to below 25 which is in the healthy range. But I am not that massive so don't really know how much I need to lose. People are always surprised when I tell them how much I weigh as I don't look it. Yes I have a bit of flab that I could do with losing but not enough for people to expect me to weigh that much.
That's one of the faults of BMI it doesn't take into account your muscle mass etc. Either way lets hope it will get smaller soon.
Friday, 20 November 2009
New hair, shopping and I possibly overtrained!
So on Tuesday I was in Tesco and walked passed the hairdyes, they were calling out to me, in the end I bought one and my hair is now a different colour. It is a dark red colour, I like it. I have also learned to do my hair a certain way that never worked before as I was talking to someone at work who had their hair clipped like it and she told me what to do. It wasn't exactly the same as hers but it worked and looked good yay!
I had the day off today as I'm working the weekend and went shopping, I bought a new sports bra, some running 3/4 lengths and my Dad's birthday present. I was pretty tired (and still am) so wasn't really that into the shopping.
Yesterday at work I suddenly felt ill, I seriously thought I was going to faint, I had to go out of the room I was in and into the toilets, then I didn't really know where to go or what to do. Someone else came in who works with me and helped me but I just kept feeling worse and ended up having to lie with my feet raised! I'm wondering whether I overdid it at the gym the night before, could that have been affecting me the next day? Did I drink too much water at the gym and not have enough salt afterwards? Was it just one of those things and not related to the gym session. I had eaten breakfast and altho it was lunchtime wasn't feeling hungry. I had a drink of water and something to eat and eventually felt better.
I used to faint an awful lot when I was 18 and taking the pill, I had to stop taking it for that reason. I would faint 2-3times per week. Since I finished taking the pill I have only fainted twice. Yesterday was a rest day from exercise. Today I decided I would still go to the gym but only for 20minutes and not too intense. That way I didn't feel too worried about not exercising but also was unlikely to make myself worse. I am having the weekend off exercise due to working and then being busy afterwards. Then Monday I will be back on it exercising well. My muscles should be feeling tip top by then.
Nothing much else to report, I am currently watching Children in Need on TV, I'm sure it will make me cry at some point when they show the clips of children who are in need. I'm going to get an early night tonight ready for tomorrows early start at work.
I had the day off today as I'm working the weekend and went shopping, I bought a new sports bra, some running 3/4 lengths and my Dad's birthday present. I was pretty tired (and still am) so wasn't really that into the shopping.
Yesterday at work I suddenly felt ill, I seriously thought I was going to faint, I had to go out of the room I was in and into the toilets, then I didn't really know where to go or what to do. Someone else came in who works with me and helped me but I just kept feeling worse and ended up having to lie with my feet raised! I'm wondering whether I overdid it at the gym the night before, could that have been affecting me the next day? Did I drink too much water at the gym and not have enough salt afterwards? Was it just one of those things and not related to the gym session. I had eaten breakfast and altho it was lunchtime wasn't feeling hungry. I had a drink of water and something to eat and eventually felt better.
I used to faint an awful lot when I was 18 and taking the pill, I had to stop taking it for that reason. I would faint 2-3times per week. Since I finished taking the pill I have only fainted twice. Yesterday was a rest day from exercise. Today I decided I would still go to the gym but only for 20minutes and not too intense. That way I didn't feel too worried about not exercising but also was unlikely to make myself worse. I am having the weekend off exercise due to working and then being busy afterwards. Then Monday I will be back on it exercising well. My muscles should be feeling tip top by then.
Nothing much else to report, I am currently watching Children in Need on TV, I'm sure it will make me cry at some point when they show the clips of children who are in need. I'm going to get an early night tonight ready for tomorrows early start at work.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
You go girl!
I went to the gym straight from work today after much I can't be bothered to go type complaining.
I went on the cross trainer for longer than I ever have, On the treadmill I carried on running even though my muscles were screaming at me like never before, I persuaded myself to go on the exercise bike for 5mins when really I wanted to go home, I ended up staying on it for just under 35minutes. Overall in my session I had 'travelled' 14 and a bit kilometres. Pretty good considering I couldn't be bothered!
I am super tired now due to my early morning and all that exercise, I will be going to bed very shortly. Eating hasn't been too bad today.
I'm going to ache tomorrow and I can't wait! Odd as it is its satisfying.
I went on the cross trainer for longer than I ever have, On the treadmill I carried on running even though my muscles were screaming at me like never before, I persuaded myself to go on the exercise bike for 5mins when really I wanted to go home, I ended up staying on it for just under 35minutes. Overall in my session I had 'travelled' 14 and a bit kilometres. Pretty good considering I couldn't be bothered!
I am super tired now due to my early morning and all that exercise, I will be going to bed very shortly. Eating hasn't been too bad today.
I'm going to ache tomorrow and I can't wait! Odd as it is its satisfying.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Swings and Roundabouts
My healthy lifestyle has been swings and roundabouts lately. Exercise is going well whereas my eating is kinda can't be bothered meh-ness right now. It's not super awful eating by any means but I am kinda apathetic to eating healthily at the moment.
I decided to do some training in the gym, I think at the moment I am going to do gym twice a week and run outside once a week with other lifestyle stuff like walking places etc in between.
On Saturday the weather was awful so I decided to go to the gym instead of a run, it was much better as on a treadmill you can pace yourself. I know I need to do actual running outside too as I will have to pace myself in the actual race, but for now when I am working on my fitness levels ready to start the training plan (27th December is the date I need to start it) the gym will do me good. I went to the gym yesterday too and spent just over an hour on the treadmill. 15 minutes of running and the rest brisk walking. To start the training plan I have to be able to run for 30minutes without stopping. I am on my way to this. To be honest I was on the treadmill for so long because I got chatting about running with somebody in the gym and didn't realise I'd been on there for so long! I am going to go to the gym again tomorrow after work, and this time try to do more running. I will probably go on the cross trainer and things as well after the treadmill. I need to make sure I run for at least 15mins. I feel positive about the training at the moment. the thing I find hard is getting into a routine of this day I go for a run at this time etc, because I work different shifts each week its hard to get into a habit. I will always work Monday lates tho so Monday morning is deffo an exercise time.
After the gym yesterday I also walked the dog for 30mins.
My weight has stayed the same for the last few weeks. I am looking slimmer though. I think I haven't lost because I have been a bit meh about things and also my outdoor runs weren't very intense. I think the gym will be for building fitness and the outdoor runs will be for practising pacing myself and getting used to running on different surfaces etc. At least for the timebeing. I think nearer the time of the marathon I will be going running outside much more often. I got rained on plenty of times when training for my half marathon so I guess I'll have to get rained on plenty of times training for the marathon.
Other things I need to work on at the moment are going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Like seriously go to bed! I am working earlies the next 2 days which will be a shock to the system as I haven't done an early for at least 2 weeks! I have to start work about an hour and a half before the time I've been getting up lately! Ah well, I'll survive and hopefully I can then get into the habit of getting up a bit earlier on days I work the lates. I realised earlier that I have the next 6 evenings off! woohoo!
Here's to a week filled with exercise, fruits, vegetables and earlier nights.
I decided to do some training in the gym, I think at the moment I am going to do gym twice a week and run outside once a week with other lifestyle stuff like walking places etc in between.
On Saturday the weather was awful so I decided to go to the gym instead of a run, it was much better as on a treadmill you can pace yourself. I know I need to do actual running outside too as I will have to pace myself in the actual race, but for now when I am working on my fitness levels ready to start the training plan (27th December is the date I need to start it) the gym will do me good. I went to the gym yesterday too and spent just over an hour on the treadmill. 15 minutes of running and the rest brisk walking. To start the training plan I have to be able to run for 30minutes without stopping. I am on my way to this. To be honest I was on the treadmill for so long because I got chatting about running with somebody in the gym and didn't realise I'd been on there for so long! I am going to go to the gym again tomorrow after work, and this time try to do more running. I will probably go on the cross trainer and things as well after the treadmill. I need to make sure I run for at least 15mins. I feel positive about the training at the moment. the thing I find hard is getting into a routine of this day I go for a run at this time etc, because I work different shifts each week its hard to get into a habit. I will always work Monday lates tho so Monday morning is deffo an exercise time.
After the gym yesterday I also walked the dog for 30mins.
My weight has stayed the same for the last few weeks. I am looking slimmer though. I think I haven't lost because I have been a bit meh about things and also my outdoor runs weren't very intense. I think the gym will be for building fitness and the outdoor runs will be for practising pacing myself and getting used to running on different surfaces etc. At least for the timebeing. I think nearer the time of the marathon I will be going running outside much more often. I got rained on plenty of times when training for my half marathon so I guess I'll have to get rained on plenty of times training for the marathon.
Other things I need to work on at the moment are going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Like seriously go to bed! I am working earlies the next 2 days which will be a shock to the system as I haven't done an early for at least 2 weeks! I have to start work about an hour and a half before the time I've been getting up lately! Ah well, I'll survive and hopefully I can then get into the habit of getting up a bit earlier on days I work the lates. I realised earlier that I have the next 6 evenings off! woohoo!
Here's to a week filled with exercise, fruits, vegetables and earlier nights.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Pistachio Muffins
I made the pistachio muffins, they were disappointing. They weren't sweet, I suppose when I saw how little sugar was involved in the recipe and thought thats not much I should have realised. I can't work out if they were supposed to be savoury or not. Surely if they were savoury then the sugar wouldn't have been bothered with. They were kinda in between neither sweet or savoury. I will eat them but its one of those won't make those again thoughts. They were pretty healthy as muffin recipes go. Hardly any fat.I have my eye on the chocolate cherry brandy muffins next! Very naughty!
My friend came round earlier and we looked at holiday brochures for going away sometime next year, I can't wait. It will be my first holiday in 4 years :)
My friend came round earlier and we looked at holiday brochures for going away sometime next year, I can't wait. It will be my first holiday in 4 years :)
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Musings on life
I'm not sure how I am doing on the healthy thing.
I am starting to get a little nervous about the marathon, I have a minor ankle injury at the moment but tonight it has suddenly got more painful. So I am torn, I feel like I must exercise and work on my fitness levels as I haven't really made much progress so far. I also feel like if I make my ankle worse then it won't be beneficial. I guess I'll have to see how it is in the morning, I figure I may continue going running on it and then if in a weeks time it is still bad I should probably rest if for a few days. I just need to feel like I am doing something to make progress with the fitness/training. I am considering tomorrow or Friday may be better, going somewhere else for my run which is a flatter place and doing some intervals for a longer period of time rather than a short run with a bit of walking. I just want to make progress!
I was reading a blog earlier and was in awe of the blogger and thought I wish that could be me able to run that far etc etc, but then I thought about it and realised that can be me with enough training, it was really inspiring :-)
Eating healthily seems to be swings and roundabouts really, some days this week I have done really well, others not so well. It is again a case of being busy a lot, I'm at the stage now of needing to go shopping due to lack of healthy foods to take to work. I'm in a motivated mood right now so things should improve.
Tomorrow I have the day off which is great as at one point I was going to be working 6 days this week as I am covering on Sunday and then we realised I could have tomorrow off as there would be someone else in. One of the benefits of this new job is that I will be doing full time hours but only working 5 days a week, with the occassional extra days overtime. whereas before i often worked day after day with no days off but not necessarily many hours each day.
Plan is run either tomorrow or Friday, right now Friday seems more sensible, gives my ankle an extra rest and means I can sneak a bit more of a lie in tomorrow. Then my friend is coming over for coffee late morning before she starts work in the afternoon. Once she has left I will probably have a relaxing rest of the day, maybe pop on a girly dvd (mamma mia or sex and the city probably) or go food shopping. I realise now I have time for both as I have the whole day off so I have after 3.30pm free too! duh! I am so used to squeezing in all my days activities before work that I forgot I could do both those things! Yay for days off. If I do go food shopping I will get the ingredients to make pistachio muffins out of my new recipe book and I will make sure I ration them!
Have a great week all x
I am starting to get a little nervous about the marathon, I have a minor ankle injury at the moment but tonight it has suddenly got more painful. So I am torn, I feel like I must exercise and work on my fitness levels as I haven't really made much progress so far. I also feel like if I make my ankle worse then it won't be beneficial. I guess I'll have to see how it is in the morning, I figure I may continue going running on it and then if in a weeks time it is still bad I should probably rest if for a few days. I just need to feel like I am doing something to make progress with the fitness/training. I am considering tomorrow or Friday may be better, going somewhere else for my run which is a flatter place and doing some intervals for a longer period of time rather than a short run with a bit of walking. I just want to make progress!
I was reading a blog earlier and was in awe of the blogger and thought I wish that could be me able to run that far etc etc, but then I thought about it and realised that can be me with enough training, it was really inspiring :-)
Eating healthily seems to be swings and roundabouts really, some days this week I have done really well, others not so well. It is again a case of being busy a lot, I'm at the stage now of needing to go shopping due to lack of healthy foods to take to work. I'm in a motivated mood right now so things should improve.
Tomorrow I have the day off which is great as at one point I was going to be working 6 days this week as I am covering on Sunday and then we realised I could have tomorrow off as there would be someone else in. One of the benefits of this new job is that I will be doing full time hours but only working 5 days a week, with the occassional extra days overtime. whereas before i often worked day after day with no days off but not necessarily many hours each day.
Plan is run either tomorrow or Friday, right now Friday seems more sensible, gives my ankle an extra rest and means I can sneak a bit more of a lie in tomorrow. Then my friend is coming over for coffee late morning before she starts work in the afternoon. Once she has left I will probably have a relaxing rest of the day, maybe pop on a girly dvd (mamma mia or sex and the city probably) or go food shopping. I realise now I have time for both as I have the whole day off so I have after 3.30pm free too! duh! I am so used to squeezing in all my days activities before work that I forgot I could do both those things! Yay for days off. If I do go food shopping I will get the ingredients to make pistachio muffins out of my new recipe book and I will make sure I ration them!
Have a great week all x
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Remember, Remember the 5th of November gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot!
Wow that was a long title for a blog post huh?
Thursday was bonfire/Guy Fawkes night. Every year in my town the local rotary club hosts a fireworks display and bonfire the Saturday night closest to bonfire night. Which was last night. We went to the display as a family. I wasn't going to go and then changed my mind at the last minute. I'm so glad I did. It was foot stompingly cold, the weather seemed to really change yesterday and it has become more wintry. It has been unusally warm so far this autumn. It was kinda nice to feel the chill last night. Once the bonfire was lit we could feel the warmth. The 'Guy' on top didn't have a head or feet or anything but was a general body shape. From my childhood I never remember there being a Guy on top but I'm sure there must have been.
The fireworks were delayed slightly but once they began they were definitely worth the wait wow! Once they finished we walked home and I was so glad to be inside, my toes were painfully cold so I put an extra pair of socks on. We then had chilli and jacket potatoes for dinner as well as hot dogs. It was yummy and just what we needed after 2 hoursish out in the cold.
I will definitely be going again next year!
I also went to the cinema with some friends yesterday and watched 9 I really enjoyed it although I thought it was a touch scary and pretty dark to be rated a 12a.
In terms of the healthy you challenge I currently have an ankle injury so exercise is pretty much non-existant which is annoying! I'm starting to get a little nervous about marathon training so could really do with a few good runs this week to reassure me. I think I will try to go for a run tomorrow and see how my ankle does.
I have work later on so am not up to much before then. This week I am working 6 days so will probably not get up to much outside of work.
Finally today is Remembrance Sunday a day when we remember those lost at war, I have thought about them today and hope that many others do to.
Thursday was bonfire/Guy Fawkes night. Every year in my town the local rotary club hosts a fireworks display and bonfire the Saturday night closest to bonfire night. Which was last night. We went to the display as a family. I wasn't going to go and then changed my mind at the last minute. I'm so glad I did. It was foot stompingly cold, the weather seemed to really change yesterday and it has become more wintry. It has been unusally warm so far this autumn. It was kinda nice to feel the chill last night. Once the bonfire was lit we could feel the warmth. The 'Guy' on top didn't have a head or feet or anything but was a general body shape. From my childhood I never remember there being a Guy on top but I'm sure there must have been.
The fireworks were delayed slightly but once they began they were definitely worth the wait wow! Once they finished we walked home and I was so glad to be inside, my toes were painfully cold so I put an extra pair of socks on. We then had chilli and jacket potatoes for dinner as well as hot dogs. It was yummy and just what we needed after 2 hoursish out in the cold.
I will definitely be going again next year!
I also went to the cinema with some friends yesterday and watched 9 I really enjoyed it although I thought it was a touch scary and pretty dark to be rated a 12a.
In terms of the healthy you challenge I currently have an ankle injury so exercise is pretty much non-existant which is annoying! I'm starting to get a little nervous about marathon training so could really do with a few good runs this week to reassure me. I think I will try to go for a run tomorrow and see how my ankle does.
I have work later on so am not up to much before then. This week I am working 6 days so will probably not get up to much outside of work.
Finally today is Remembrance Sunday a day when we remember those lost at war, I have thought about them today and hope that many others do to.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
A non-scale victory
I have a non-scale victory. I fit into a pair of jeans that has been too small for over a year! yippee! They button and zip up. I am not going to start wearing them just yet as they give me a massive muffin top which is not attractive! I shall be smaller soon though and then I will start wearing them.
This morning I have been for a run and mere moments after I got back it started to rain, good timing huh? It was so nice to have a hot shower afterwards.
I have work later on and have yet to decide what to take for my dinner. Yesterday I took wholewheat pasta with mixed chopped peppers and tuna, it was lovely. I also had an apple, a carrot and a chocolate mousse as a treat.
For lunch today I am going to have homemade turkey curry with broccoli and cauliflower and either a wholemeal pitta bread or a little bit of rice.
I am wearing a cardigan that can only be described as my big cardi, it is long and thick and warm. It's not that cold yet but I was looking for something to wear whilst my work stuff washes/dries and it is a bit chillier. I have had this cardi for years and it is not exactly very fasionable but is just what you need in cold weather.
I would like to do some baking tomorrow before work so I will have to have a think what to make.
Thursday I have the day off and intend to go for a long walk/run. If I don't meet up with any friend or anything then I think I will try to tackle the mess that is my bedroom and sort clothes out a bit better.
Have a good week x
This morning I have been for a run and mere moments after I got back it started to rain, good timing huh? It was so nice to have a hot shower afterwards.
I have work later on and have yet to decide what to take for my dinner. Yesterday I took wholewheat pasta with mixed chopped peppers and tuna, it was lovely. I also had an apple, a carrot and a chocolate mousse as a treat.
For lunch today I am going to have homemade turkey curry with broccoli and cauliflower and either a wholemeal pitta bread or a little bit of rice.
I am wearing a cardigan that can only be described as my big cardi, it is long and thick and warm. It's not that cold yet but I was looking for something to wear whilst my work stuff washes/dries and it is a bit chillier. I have had this cardi for years and it is not exactly very fasionable but is just what you need in cold weather.
I would like to do some baking tomorrow before work so I will have to have a think what to make.
Thursday I have the day off and intend to go for a long walk/run. If I don't meet up with any friend or anything then I think I will try to tackle the mess that is my bedroom and sort clothes out a bit better.
Have a good week x
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Hello November
Wow, it's November already. Seriously when did the whole rest of the year so far happen? I have achieved so much this year. A half marathon, a 5k, graduating university, getting a full time job, losing a stone since last year (8lbs since on HYC), becoming a more smiley happy person over the last few months, getting a place in the London Marathon, trying new things outside of my comfort zone. I'm sure there are also many small victories. This year has been one of my happiest so far. Yes final year of university was hard and stressful, but I'd say this past year I have really become at ease with myself and life in general. I think I am older now and more mature and able to deal with things. When things go wrong I think about what I can learn and do differently in the future and then move on. When people may be horrible I give them the benefit of the doubt and think everyone has a bad day sometimes and think back to times I have got the wrong end of the stick or been a bit bitchy.
Today was the official start date of my new job/promotion. I am working lates this week with Thursday off. I plan to go to the supermarket tomorrow and get some ingredients to make healthy cooked meals to have for lunch before work, I also need to get some more fruit and bits to take for my evening meals at work. I feel more settled now I know which shifts I am doing and can plan ahead. I want to do something fun on Thursday as over the last couple of months I have had barely any social life. Most of the time I just work and relax at home. I don't think I want to do anything wild on Thursday just something to get out the house.
Yesterday I ended up working as someone was off sick, this was fine but I was a very tired chicky afterwards. Last night was my cousin's engagement party, it was really great fun. I did have an energy slump about an hour before the end though, I managed to wake up a bit to start dancing again to the last few songs.
I have to say last night I did think to myself I need to do more stuff like this, you're only young once and I think sometimes I am acting old before my time. The problem a lot of the time is that everyone is so busy all the time you have to plan in advance and it's hard to be spontaneous. My solution is to book things in for days/evenings off in advance. Not for every single evening/day off obviously but for more of them. Whether it be having a friend over, going for a walk with a friend, a day out, the pub, shopping, it would be nice to let my hair down a bit more. It was great to see my cousins and their partners who we don't see very often last night and to get to know my cousin's fiancee a bit more. I'm looking forward to the wedding-I love weddings!
I'm feeling pretty happy right now as you might have guessed. I hope you all are too, have a great week.
Today was the official start date of my new job/promotion. I am working lates this week with Thursday off. I plan to go to the supermarket tomorrow and get some ingredients to make healthy cooked meals to have for lunch before work, I also need to get some more fruit and bits to take for my evening meals at work. I feel more settled now I know which shifts I am doing and can plan ahead. I want to do something fun on Thursday as over the last couple of months I have had barely any social life. Most of the time I just work and relax at home. I don't think I want to do anything wild on Thursday just something to get out the house.
Yesterday I ended up working as someone was off sick, this was fine but I was a very tired chicky afterwards. Last night was my cousin's engagement party, it was really great fun. I did have an energy slump about an hour before the end though, I managed to wake up a bit to start dancing again to the last few songs.
I have to say last night I did think to myself I need to do more stuff like this, you're only young once and I think sometimes I am acting old before my time. The problem a lot of the time is that everyone is so busy all the time you have to plan in advance and it's hard to be spontaneous. My solution is to book things in for days/evenings off in advance. Not for every single evening/day off obviously but for more of them. Whether it be having a friend over, going for a walk with a friend, a day out, the pub, shopping, it would be nice to let my hair down a bit more. It was great to see my cousins and their partners who we don't see very often last night and to get to know my cousin's fiancee a bit more. I'm looking forward to the wedding-I love weddings!
I'm feeling pretty happy right now as you might have guessed. I hope you all are too, have a great week.
healthy you challenge,
weight loss,
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
A busy bee
So, I am a busy bee at the moment, hence the lack of posts.
Normally when I am working a late shift I come online before work at least once or twice a week. So far this week however on Monday I walked into town and then came home and did some baking and yesterday I met a friend and her boyfriend for lunch and by the time I got back had just enough time to get my stuff together and make something to take for my dinner before leaving to walk to work.
This last week has been good because
Normally when I am working a late shift I come online before work at least once or twice a week. So far this week however on Monday I walked into town and then came home and did some baking and yesterday I met a friend and her boyfriend for lunch and by the time I got back had just enough time to get my stuff together and make something to take for my dinner before leaving to walk to work.
This last week has been good because
- I had an assessment day and interview and have got a promotion yippee! I'm really looking forward to starting that.
- Also I have gotten some more exercise in, once my sinuses were more normal like and I could breathe better I went for a run. I went on Friday and did the same route I did the time before but managed to run more of it. Then on Sunday I was going to go for a run and my dog was a bit hyper so I thought I would walk him to the fields, let him off the lead and then run with him round there. It was good fun and I ran for quite a bit.
- I have been walking to work a lot and here there and everywhere getting chores done.
- I baked cranberry bran buns on Monday, they are a nice treat and also pretty healthy as treats go. The recipe is my mums and calls for mixed dried fruit which I am not keen on so I thought hmm you know what cranberries could be nice and I was right! Yummy.
My car is getting some welding done today and another MOT which means that once it is back I am legally allowed to drive it on the roads again. It will still need some other work done but it will not cost anywhere near as much as originally thought. I am very pleased as not being able to drive has taken away a degree of independance from me. Silly as it sounds I'm thinking I hope I can remember how to drive lol! I'm sure I can and am itching to go for a spin. I do still want a new car within the next several months but getting my car back on the road will be a great help while I look. Not being able to use it has really made me appreciate my current car, think I've fallen back in love with it!!
Other news to report hmmm, today I have the day off, I haven't really got up to much, I had to pop to the pharmacy earlier and then I tried to walk the dog, he got frightened by a noise though and turned around to go home and wouldn't be persuaded to carry on the walk. So that was rather short lived. It's kinda odd having the day off because over the last few weeks I have worked pretty much every day and on days off done other stuff to help people out. Tomorrow I am working the early and then Friday I am working only for a few hours in the evening. On Friday morning I will go for a run. Saturday I have the day off and in the evening it is my cousin's engagement party, I'm not sure what to wear yet but I am looking forward to it, I haven't been out/to a party for ages, will be great to let my hair down.
I seem to have been doing ok with my eating lately, I have taken salads to work the past 2 days and I must say they were rather tasty, also my snacking after work has calmed down. The problem wasn't the time I was eating as its the calories not when you eat that matters but the fact that I would eat several things mostly out of boredom/habit I think.
Two positives for my healthy future are that I will now be working 5 (not more) days a week and having my car back will mean I can pop to the supermarket and buy myself some healthy foods to either take to work or have for my lunch before work if I'm on the late.
Planning is the key.
Have a good week everyone.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
My name is Sophie...
and I'm a chocoholic.
The amount of chocolate I eat has crept up, this is not good!
Hopefully my being stupidly busy will soon calm down and I can get back to planning meals and thinking straight rather than just being like oh crap what I am gonna take for lunch or what are we gonna have for dinner and having whatever's in the freezer/cupboard that is often not very healthy.
On the plus side I have been getting a lot of walking/cycling in that I can pretty much say most of the times I would have driven had my car been in working order so that is good.
I am having a problem with my sinuses at the moment that I initially thought was a cold, that has knocked me back a bit on my running as I can't breathe very well at the mo and am feeling lethargic and headachy. I am also getting nosebleeds a lot, had a 40min one yesterday and then another 20min one later on. Today had 2 gushers before work! Very attractive. I can't believe this is my 2nd illness in not very long but I guess the first one knocked my immune system so the current illness was like mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha we'll get her now my pretties (all said in an echo-ey voice).
So the plan, yes the plan, carry on exercising, get a good rest tonight and although I am working over the weekend to try to get early nights and just take it easy, my body clearly needs it.
The amount of chocolate I eat has crept up, this is not good!
Hopefully my being stupidly busy will soon calm down and I can get back to planning meals and thinking straight rather than just being like oh crap what I am gonna take for lunch or what are we gonna have for dinner and having whatever's in the freezer/cupboard that is often not very healthy.
On the plus side I have been getting a lot of walking/cycling in that I can pretty much say most of the times I would have driven had my car been in working order so that is good.
I am having a problem with my sinuses at the moment that I initially thought was a cold, that has knocked me back a bit on my running as I can't breathe very well at the mo and am feeling lethargic and headachy. I am also getting nosebleeds a lot, had a 40min one yesterday and then another 20min one later on. Today had 2 gushers before work! Very attractive. I can't believe this is my 2nd illness in not very long but I guess the first one knocked my immune system so the current illness was like mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha we'll get her now my pretties (all said in an echo-ey voice).
So the plan, yes the plan, carry on exercising, get a good rest tonight and although I am working over the weekend to try to get early nights and just take it easy, my body clearly needs it.
Monday, 19 October 2009
What a difference a day makes
Wow I am feeling so much better tonight. I did feel awful awful awful this morning when I was on my way to work and for the first couple of hours, but I am feeling quite a bit better now. I have a busy couple of days ahead so am unlikely to be able to do my healthy you check in until the end of the week. In all honesty my eating habits have been a bit rubbish lately. I need to rein myself in and get sorted. Not having a car is annoying as it means I can't go food shopping so it only gets done when my Mum or Dad can go so we don't have as much fresh stuff that we normally do when I can go shopping mid week.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Sniff, Sniff, Cough, Cough
It's official I have a stonking great cold, my throat is sore (well ok thats kinda normal for me), My nose is very runny, I had 7 nosebleeds yesterday, My sinuses ache, I have a headache and a cough, and I am very lacking in energy.
My friend Gemma came round today and she has been ill with the flu this week so we sat on the sofa under a duvet watching Bridget Jones 1 +2 all afternoon.
I have a presentation to get sorted onto powerpoint, I intended to do it much earlier on in the week but I ended up with so many things to do this week that it's been left. I want to get it finished tonight so that I can practise it tomorrow night ready for Tuesday.
This cold is seriously bad timing!
Oh well, there are people much worse off than me. Just hoping its gone by Tuesday. Have a great week all.
My friend Gemma came round today and she has been ill with the flu this week so we sat on the sofa under a duvet watching Bridget Jones 1 +2 all afternoon.
I have a presentation to get sorted onto powerpoint, I intended to do it much earlier on in the week but I ended up with so many things to do this week that it's been left. I want to get it finished tonight so that I can practise it tomorrow night ready for Tuesday.
This cold is seriously bad timing!
Oh well, there are people much worse off than me. Just hoping its gone by Tuesday. Have a great week all.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Honest Scrap

As a recipient of this award, I am to share 10 things that people don’t know about me.
This is gonna be hard as I just did a post with 6 things people don't know about me
1. My current (broken car) is blue in colour, when I get a new car I would like it to be metallic blue, this is a bit odd because my favourite colour is actually pink.
2. I really like 60s music despite the fact I wasn't even born then.
3. We have a book club come in to work, they sell books and other cool stuff for cheaper than their rrps. I have ordered a set of books: the muffin bible and the cake bible, both books for £5 bargain! They should have been there yesterday but I forgot to check. Looking through the books I loved the muffin book, it's got a great selection of sweet and savoury muffins in, I wasn't as bothered about the cake book as there were a few great looking recipes but not enough to sell it to me. They come in a set and I can't wait to get them and get baking! (yes I know this isn't very healthy you, but I will try my best to make sure I share them round and have them in moderation)
4. People always mis pronounce my surname.
5. My middle name is Elizabeth.
6. In the future I would like a house with apple trees, a vegetable patch, and space to keep hens, I would like 2 border collie dogs.
7. When I was a child and we played make believe games I always wished I was called Sabrina as I loved the TV programme Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
8. I have an important day next Tuesday.
9. I usually give blood regularly despite having a fear of needles, currently I am low on iron so am unable too, but will be back to it as soon as I can
10. I wish they still sold Lucky Charms in the UK. They do sell them but they are about £7.99 for a tiny box which is sooooooo expensive, and that is only at Selfridges which isn't around here. They are a similar price online too. I don't know why they stopped selling them over here. Admittedly they probably aren't the healthiest of cereals but my gosh so tasty, I would love some just for the nostalgia.
I want to give this award to my sister as I think she really is an honest scrap.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Gorgeous Blogger Moi?! Why yes I am :-)

Woo thanks Erin!
So the rule is 6 things about me my readers don't know, here goes
1. I am allergic to the following Mercaptobenzothiazole which is in rubber, latex, washing powders, washing up liquids, detergents, adhesives, astringents, you get the picture. I am also allergic to pineapple and lanolin.
2. When I was a child my mother always tried to get me to eat peas, my brother and sister both like them, I however never did. She made a valiant effort, I had to eat 1 pea for each year of my age at meals when we were having peas. So aged 6 I would have had to eat 6 tiny measly peas, like one mouthful. One meal I thought I was being really clever and said I was going to the toilet mid way through, I took my peas with me and flushed them. Came back feeling very pleased with myself. However being little I hadn't thought to check whether the peas had flushed and when my sister then went to the loo I was caught! To this day I have never lived it down, it's one of those stories that gets brought up around the dinner table rather a lot and we all have a good laugh. I think my mum eventually gave up trying to make me eat peas!
3. I find the human body and anything medical fascinating, I find it really interesting.
4. I have the world's runniest nose today, and have also had 4 nosebleeds so far today, I am trying to fruit and veg it up to get rid of it asap.
5. My hair colours do not match, I have always had black eyebrows, my school art teacher said that noone has black eyebrows they can only be very dark brown but mine are deffo black, when I was a child I had very blond hair, nowadays it is mousy brown with blondy bits where the sun has bleached it so I don't match!
6. My dog is called Milo because he was born in the year 2000 (Millenium)
I've just realised I need to send this on lol I just tried to post it without awarding anyone!
So the award goes to
Melissa she commented on my blog earlier in the week and she seems like such a lovely person
I'm only going to award it to the one person because I don't know many bloggers yet and I awarded 6 people last week.
Friday, 16 October 2009
And I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more
So the title is quoting the song by The Proclaimers. I was just listening to it on itunes and singing along. It was stuck in my head the other day but I couldn't quite remember the words I had 100 and 1000 in my head but they didn't sound quite right and now I know I was totally wrong lol!
Also it made me think, I wonder how many miles I will cover in training for my marathon?
Hmmm, and if you add in lifestyle stuff like walking to work etc. If I walk to and from work it is 3.2 miles. So it all adds up.
I am so excited for the marathon yay!
I have work this evening, I am doing the bar.
I have the weekend off from work, but I have some stuff to get done. My plan tomorrow is as follows, get up and go for run, have shower, get dressed, get eyebrows done. Get typing stuff I need to do done and work on my presentation for next week. Then RELAX! If I have time after my shower and before J comes over to do my eyebrows I may well get some of the typing done then.
I will need to practise my presentation to ensure its as good as poss, that can be done Sunday and Monday.
I have been typing away on some stuff I'm doing for someone today and am feeling pretty tired so I think I am going to have a little rest before work now.
Have a great weekend everyone
Also it made me think, I wonder how many miles I will cover in training for my marathon?
Hmmm, and if you add in lifestyle stuff like walking to work etc. If I walk to and from work it is 3.2 miles. So it all adds up.
I am so excited for the marathon yay!
I have work this evening, I am doing the bar.
I have the weekend off from work, but I have some stuff to get done. My plan tomorrow is as follows, get up and go for run, have shower, get dressed, get eyebrows done. Get typing stuff I need to do done and work on my presentation for next week. Then RELAX! If I have time after my shower and before J comes over to do my eyebrows I may well get some of the typing done then.
I will need to practise my presentation to ensure its as good as poss, that can be done Sunday and Monday.
I have been typing away on some stuff I'm doing for someone today and am feeling pretty tired so I think I am going to have a little rest before work now.
Have a great weekend everyone
Virgin London Marathon 2010,
Thursday, 15 October 2009
I've just typed out an entry then deleted and rewrote several times, I can't quite get it so I'm happy with it, so all I will say for now is HI and wave at you all with a friendly smile on my face :-)
Have a great week x
I've just typed out an entry then deleted and rewrote several times, I can't quite get it so I'm happy with it, so all I will say for now is HI and wave at you all with a friendly smile on my face :-)
Have a great week x
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
I've lost 8lbs so far
I haven't updated in nearly a week, this is very bad indeed, well ok it's not that bad but not that great.
I have lost 8lbs since I started this journey of healthiness, I would like to say I have no idea how because my eating hasn't been great these last couple of weeks. But I suppose when I think about it I am eating less.
I have found myself enjoying my walk to work lately as the weather has been pleasant and if I leave with enough time not to rush there it is quite relaxing. Today I was lucky enough to get a lift as it looked like rain, that sort of occassion is when I don't enjoy walking to work!
For those of you interested in an update on the throat situation I had my blood test last Thursday at 10.30am and was told a week for results, however the last time I had seen my Doc she said to come in next time my throat was inflammed and had the rash so she could see it. Last Thursday after I got back from my blood test I realised it was back so I went to see her on Friday. This was at 9.40am and my blood results were back already less than 24 hours later good old NHS I say! The only thing my test showed was that I am low on iron, my Doc says this can affect healing so may be causing the problem, so I have iron tablets to take. I don't know whether these will heal the problem but if nothing else they should help me to feel less tired all the time. So it's going to be a case of wait and see.
This week is one of those hectically busy weeks and next week seems to be heading that way too. Things should calm down one way or another after next week I hope!
I have the whole weekend off this weekend, I have no plans other than an eyebrow wax and maybe go and have a look at some 2nd hand cars, other than that I intend to chill out, go for a run and maybe do some baking. I need to save plenty of energy for next week.
I just came on my laptop quick to update here, I hope to update again before the weekend with a couple of 'awards' I've been given! As I have a phone with free internet I frequently read blogs on there, I cannot however post entries from there hence why my updating isn't as frequent as it used to be.
Hope everyone else is having a good week, I will catch up on commenting etc soon xxx
I have lost 8lbs since I started this journey of healthiness, I would like to say I have no idea how because my eating hasn't been great these last couple of weeks. But I suppose when I think about it I am eating less.
I have found myself enjoying my walk to work lately as the weather has been pleasant and if I leave with enough time not to rush there it is quite relaxing. Today I was lucky enough to get a lift as it looked like rain, that sort of occassion is when I don't enjoy walking to work!
For those of you interested in an update on the throat situation I had my blood test last Thursday at 10.30am and was told a week for results, however the last time I had seen my Doc she said to come in next time my throat was inflammed and had the rash so she could see it. Last Thursday after I got back from my blood test I realised it was back so I went to see her on Friday. This was at 9.40am and my blood results were back already less than 24 hours later good old NHS I say! The only thing my test showed was that I am low on iron, my Doc says this can affect healing so may be causing the problem, so I have iron tablets to take. I don't know whether these will heal the problem but if nothing else they should help me to feel less tired all the time. So it's going to be a case of wait and see.
This week is one of those hectically busy weeks and next week seems to be heading that way too. Things should calm down one way or another after next week I hope!
I have the whole weekend off this weekend, I have no plans other than an eyebrow wax and maybe go and have a look at some 2nd hand cars, other than that I intend to chill out, go for a run and maybe do some baking. I need to save plenty of energy for next week.
I just came on my laptop quick to update here, I hope to update again before the weekend with a couple of 'awards' I've been given! As I have a phone with free internet I frequently read blogs on there, I cannot however post entries from there hence why my updating isn't as frequent as it used to be.
Hope everyone else is having a good week, I will catch up on commenting etc soon xxx
Thursday, 8 October 2009

Charmae gave me this award!
Thank You :-)
When I accept this award I have to:
Copy these 35 questions and change the answers to suit you then pass it on. Once you have filled it out ~~~ be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers and alert them that they have been awarded!
1. Where is your cell phone? Kitchen
2. Your hair? damp
3. Your mother? kind
4. Your father? fluey
5. Your favorite food? Roast potatoes
6. Your dream last night? Nice
7. Your favorite drink? Squash
8. Your dream/goal? London Marathon!
9. What room are you in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Cooking
11. Your fear? Burning
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Content
13. Where were you last night? Work
14. Something that you aren’t? A boy!
15. Muffins? Choc chip
16. Wish list item? New Car
17. Where did you grow up? Oxfordshire
18. Last thing you did? Walked dog
19. What are you wearing? Work clothes
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? Dog
22. Friends? Lovely
23. Your life? Happy
24. Your mood? Grouchy
25. Missing someone? no
26. Vehicle? broken
27. Something you’re not wearing? make up
28. Your favorite store? New look
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Last week
32. Your best friend? Kim
33. One place that I go to over and over? Work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Facebook
35. Favorite place to eat? not sure
When I accept this award I have to:
Copy these 35 questions and change the answers to suit you then pass it on. Once you have filled it out ~~~ be sure to pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers and alert them that they have been awarded!
1. Where is your cell phone? Kitchen
2. Your hair? damp
3. Your mother? kind
4. Your father? fluey
5. Your favorite food? Roast potatoes
6. Your dream last night? Nice
7. Your favorite drink? Squash
8. Your dream/goal? London Marathon!
9. What room are you in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Cooking
11. Your fear? Burning
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Content
13. Where were you last night? Work
14. Something that you aren’t? A boy!
15. Muffins? Choc chip
16. Wish list item? New Car
17. Where did you grow up? Oxfordshire
18. Last thing you did? Walked dog
19. What are you wearing? Work clothes
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? Dog
22. Friends? Lovely
23. Your life? Happy
24. Your mood? Grouchy
25. Missing someone? no
26. Vehicle? broken
27. Something you’re not wearing? make up
28. Your favorite store? New look
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Last week
32. Your best friend? Kim
33. One place that I go to over and over? Work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Facebook
35. Favorite place to eat? not sure
So the six I am going to pass it on to:
I would just like to say check me out I finally worked out how to link!
In other news I am not feeling fab still, My sore throat (3months long one) is having a bad day, I finally had my blood test this morning and will get the results in a weeks time so hopefully the mystery cause of it will be solved. Watch this space. (I feel I do spend a lot of time complaining about my throat, sorry but it's just annoying!)
I have done quite a bit of walking today and will be walking to work when it's time, I walked the dog and then the rest was because my car is off the road so I had to walk to get places. This could be quite good for me I reckon.
My eating hasn't been very good ever since I had that sickness bug last week I haven't got back to healthy eating! Must try harder! I also need to try and go to bed at a more sensible time. Today it won't be very early as I have work until 11.30pm, and will be working until a similarish time tomorrow, but what I need to try and do is go to bed pretty soon after I get home not stay up watching tv that I'm not even that interested in just because I don't want to go to bed yet. I think getting more sleep and being less tired would go a long way towards helping me not to feel so run down.
Have a good week everyone x
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
I will be doing a lot of exercise soon!
So I applied for a ballot place in the London Marathon 2010. It's pretty hard to get into the London Marathon and many people apply for a ballot place year after year without getting in, I applied this year after having wanted to do so for ages. First attempt and I got in! Woo! I am so excited! It is also slightly like OMG 26miles 385yards is a long way.
I did a half marathon this year and it was HARD, I trained but didn't give the training my all and didn't do as many miles as the training plan required. However I finished and my time wasn't too awful. The experience of that means I know now how important training is and also that someway somehow I will get through it however hard it is. The feeling when I cross that finish line is going to be amazing.
I think the whole day is going to be very emotional.
Since the half marathon I have done very little running, I will basically be starting from scratch with my training. The magasine I received with my accepted letter contains 3 training plans designed based on your ability and the aims you have for the race (eg just to finish etc) You need to have a certain level of fitness for these. The plans last 13 weeks and one month before I should receive further info on the last months worth of training, so that is 17 weeks worth. At the moment there are 30weeks until race day, so I think my aim for the time being will be to get up to the fitness levels stated to start the programme and then reassess in a few weeks as to what I should do next.
I am very much looking forward to this challenge. I would like to raise money for a charity in doing this, I have yet to choose which and will be spending some time over the next however long trying to choose one.
I will also be getting a lot of exercise soon because my car has failed its MOT and there is also another problem with it which is very expensive to fix. At the moment I am awaiting some information as to whether I can get it fixed cheaper and if it is worth getting it fixed.
I haven't weighed in this week due to being ill, I may weigh in later on in the week but I am quite busy this week.
Hope everyones week is going well, there is going to be a lot more exercise related stuff on here now!
I did a half marathon this year and it was HARD, I trained but didn't give the training my all and didn't do as many miles as the training plan required. However I finished and my time wasn't too awful. The experience of that means I know now how important training is and also that someway somehow I will get through it however hard it is. The feeling when I cross that finish line is going to be amazing.
I think the whole day is going to be very emotional.
Since the half marathon I have done very little running, I will basically be starting from scratch with my training. The magasine I received with my accepted letter contains 3 training plans designed based on your ability and the aims you have for the race (eg just to finish etc) You need to have a certain level of fitness for these. The plans last 13 weeks and one month before I should receive further info on the last months worth of training, so that is 17 weeks worth. At the moment there are 30weeks until race day, so I think my aim for the time being will be to get up to the fitness levels stated to start the programme and then reassess in a few weeks as to what I should do next.
I am very much looking forward to this challenge. I would like to raise money for a charity in doing this, I have yet to choose which and will be spending some time over the next however long trying to choose one.
I will also be getting a lot of exercise soon because my car has failed its MOT and there is also another problem with it which is very expensive to fix. At the moment I am awaiting some information as to whether I can get it fixed cheaper and if it is worth getting it fixed.
I haven't weighed in this week due to being ill, I may weigh in later on in the week but I am quite busy this week.
Hope everyones week is going well, there is going to be a lot more exercise related stuff on here now!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Sickety, sick,sick
So in case you couldn't guess by the title of the post I'm sick. It came on all of a sudden on Wednesday night and was horrible. The sickest I have been in years, I'm coming out the other side of it now thankfully but still not quite there.
This will have been a good week for weight loss because some days I simply could not eat. So right now I am concentrating on trying to eat! I'm trying to get some nourishing foods in as I have to have a blood test on Thursday and it will be checking my vitamin levels as well as other stuff so if I have several days of not being able to eat then some of them will be affected. (Some show up low pretty quick and some only after long term lack of eating/malabsorption).
When I say trying to get some nourishing foods in I don't mean more than normal but just some. I'm hoping to get back to eating normally tomorrow although it seems a little unlikely.
I think plenty of rest is needed for this week and I might not weigh in properly as I don't think it will be an accurate portrayal. I did weigh on Saturday and I had lost 3lbs in 3 days but I think once I manage to get back to eating more than just nibbles here and there I will not be 3lbs down!
A lot of people both online and in real life seem to be sick at the moment so I wish them all a speedy recovery.
Hope everyone's had a good week.
This will have been a good week for weight loss because some days I simply could not eat. So right now I am concentrating on trying to eat! I'm trying to get some nourishing foods in as I have to have a blood test on Thursday and it will be checking my vitamin levels as well as other stuff so if I have several days of not being able to eat then some of them will be affected. (Some show up low pretty quick and some only after long term lack of eating/malabsorption).
When I say trying to get some nourishing foods in I don't mean more than normal but just some. I'm hoping to get back to eating normally tomorrow although it seems a little unlikely.
I think plenty of rest is needed for this week and I might not weigh in properly as I don't think it will be an accurate portrayal. I did weigh on Saturday and I had lost 3lbs in 3 days but I think once I manage to get back to eating more than just nibbles here and there I will not be 3lbs down!
A lot of people both online and in real life seem to be sick at the moment so I wish them all a speedy recovery.
Hope everyone's had a good week.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
I had a dream
So last night I had a dream about running shoes, specifically other people's ones. It was odd but I kept putting the wrong people's shoes on. What does this mean? That I feel like I have barriers to exercise I need to overcome? Or that I need a new pair of trainers (I have 2 pairs and one set have a hole in the bottom and are better for walking and the other pair dont have a hole and are better for running).
Last night's healthy dinner was delicious and I'm pleased to say I didn't eat anything after dinner. I had a skinny cow (40kcal) hot chocolate later on in the evening but no food. That is a big achievement for me because I can't remember the last time I didn't eat anything after dinner.
My aim for tonight is not to snack when I come in from work (late tonight). If I'm hungry I will have a glass of milk. It's a good halfway house, more filling than water but not so calorific as a big snack and it's a good hit of calcium.
I have walked the dog again this morning, it was drizzly but we still went for a nice long walk. It doesn't seem like too much effort. I feel very content right now.
Here's to a good week of losing and being healthy.
Last night's healthy dinner was delicious and I'm pleased to say I didn't eat anything after dinner. I had a skinny cow (40kcal) hot chocolate later on in the evening but no food. That is a big achievement for me because I can't remember the last time I didn't eat anything after dinner.
My aim for tonight is not to snack when I come in from work (late tonight). If I'm hungry I will have a glass of milk. It's a good halfway house, more filling than water but not so calorific as a big snack and it's a good hit of calcium.
I have walked the dog again this morning, it was drizzly but we still went for a nice long walk. It doesn't seem like too much effort. I feel very content right now.
Here's to a good week of losing and being healthy.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
I'm 4lbs down
So I weighed in yesterday and I've lost 4lbs yay! (I started trying to lose 2 weeks ago yesterday)
I'm pretty tired today and need to give the dog another walk before it rains so this entry won't be very long.
I think I have been doing reasonably well with my eating, it's not brilliant but nor is it awful. In terms of exercise I have been walking the dog the last few days for quite long walks. This mornings was only just over 20 minutes as I had a doctors appointment I needed to get back and get ready for. As I said above I need to walk him again so once I'm done on here I will take him out again.
One of my goals last week was to increase my intake of fruit and vegetables. I would say some days I have increased it and some it remains about the same. So that is a work in progress.
I am having a friend round for dinner tonight, we are both trying to lose so are not going to blow out. I'm going to make Spanish Chicken with rice and vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower). I am looking forward to the meal but more so to having a good catch up with my friend. That is sure to make me feel happier.
Tomorrow I am only working in the evening and am getting my eyebrows waxed early afternoon, this means that I have time to go for a long dog walk tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be reasonable and I will feel motivated to go for a long rather than not so long walk.
Hope everyone else has a good week.
I'm pretty tired today and need to give the dog another walk before it rains so this entry won't be very long.
I think I have been doing reasonably well with my eating, it's not brilliant but nor is it awful. In terms of exercise I have been walking the dog the last few days for quite long walks. This mornings was only just over 20 minutes as I had a doctors appointment I needed to get back and get ready for. As I said above I need to walk him again so once I'm done on here I will take him out again.
One of my goals last week was to increase my intake of fruit and vegetables. I would say some days I have increased it and some it remains about the same. So that is a work in progress.
I am having a friend round for dinner tonight, we are both trying to lose so are not going to blow out. I'm going to make Spanish Chicken with rice and vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower). I am looking forward to the meal but more so to having a good catch up with my friend. That is sure to make me feel happier.
Tomorrow I am only working in the evening and am getting my eyebrows waxed early afternoon, this means that I have time to go for a long dog walk tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be reasonable and I will feel motivated to go for a long rather than not so long walk.
Hope everyone else has a good week.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
I made soup!
I made soup yesterday, I had some uncooked vegetables left over so I made soup with those, I also threw in some roasted veg that was left over. I then discovered that the blender was broken! I put it in the food processer which didn't work as well as the blender does so my soup is a bit lumpy but only tiny pieces. I didnt eat it yesterday, it's in the fridge at the moment and I think I will freeze it to have later on in the week so that I can mayb get away with going food shopping less. I did have a tiny taste of the soup and it was delish!
I am now in sole charge of the dog for the next week so I will be getting a lot of walking done. Hopefully this will kickstart my weight loss a bit more. I do enjoy walking the dog.
I have work later on this afternoon but only for a few hours, then I have a couple of friends coming over for dinner. I am making fajitas because they are yummy and pretty healthy. The ones I make are pretty healthy as I don't add cheese or sour cream like you can do. Then we are having toffee pavlova for dessert! Naughty I know but as desserts go meringue isn't very calorific. There's about 250something calories per quarter, there will be 3 of us so that leaves me with a slice to have tomorrow. It is the weekend lets not forget and I reckon tomorrow if I know I have pavlova for my treat in the evening I can be good the rest of the day. I do have work tomorrow so will be up early to walk the dog beforehand and will take a healthy lunch (in fact I might take some of the soup). I have found myself including more treats again towards the end of this week. But I am aware of it and keen to get back on the straight and narrow. I think it is fine to have dessert some days and in fact a treat each day, as long as it's not several very large treats every day and no exercise.
One tip I will share that I do sometimes is to walk up and down the stairs when you are waiting for something, for example I walked up and down them a few times while I waited for my computer to load up, also waiting for the kettle to boil is a good time, even during the ad break when watching tv. It won't burn thousands of calories a time or anything but it all adds up. Over days and months it will make a difference. Also as it's getting to a chillier time of year it can give you a nice boost of warmth.
I am now in sole charge of the dog for the next week so I will be getting a lot of walking done. Hopefully this will kickstart my weight loss a bit more. I do enjoy walking the dog.
I have work later on this afternoon but only for a few hours, then I have a couple of friends coming over for dinner. I am making fajitas because they are yummy and pretty healthy. The ones I make are pretty healthy as I don't add cheese or sour cream like you can do. Then we are having toffee pavlova for dessert! Naughty I know but as desserts go meringue isn't very calorific. There's about 250something calories per quarter, there will be 3 of us so that leaves me with a slice to have tomorrow. It is the weekend lets not forget and I reckon tomorrow if I know I have pavlova for my treat in the evening I can be good the rest of the day. I do have work tomorrow so will be up early to walk the dog beforehand and will take a healthy lunch (in fact I might take some of the soup). I have found myself including more treats again towards the end of this week. But I am aware of it and keen to get back on the straight and narrow. I think it is fine to have dessert some days and in fact a treat each day, as long as it's not several very large treats every day and no exercise.
One tip I will share that I do sometimes is to walk up and down the stairs when you are waiting for something, for example I walked up and down them a few times while I waited for my computer to load up, also waiting for the kettle to boil is a good time, even during the ad break when watching tv. It won't burn thousands of calories a time or anything but it all adds up. Over days and months it will make a difference. Also as it's getting to a chillier time of year it can give you a nice boost of warmth.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
I have the day off today yippee! I was going to be helping someone out today but the deadline for what we need to do has been extended by a lot so we decided to have the day off from it. I was getting quite tired so I am glad of the rest, I have work all weekend so having a quiet day today has been a blessing.
I have got all my little jobs and chores done now. I had a lovely lie in this morning, I was truly comfy in my bed. Then I got up and discovered it's a beautiful sunny day. So I showered, breakfasted and got my jobs done. Since then I have sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine and pottered about the house/garden playing with the dog here and there.
Yesterday I applied for a job that I really, really want, I think my application was pretty kick-ass so I'm hopeful! Once I had finished the application I felt all excited about the possibility of getting the job!
The only downside of today is that I've been feeling pretty hungry this afternoon, it's taking all my willpower not to go into the kitchen and eat cake and chocolate and allsorts and stuff the whole healthy eating. I'm going to allow myself a treat this evening if I really want it. I am looking forward to my dinner tonight, it's healthy and yummy what more could I want?
I'll be having chicken and roasted vegetables, the recipe is as follows:
Chicken breasts (1 per person)
Onions-(half medium onion per person)
Garlic- as much as you like
Mushrooms-(small handful per person)
Peppers/capsicum-half to one per person (they shrink a lot)
Sweet potato (1 large is enough for 3 people)
Baby new potatoes-(small handful per person)
Olive oil (enough to lightly coat the vegetables)
Firstly peel and chop the sweet potato into inch square cubes, boil for 5 minutes then drain, meantime chop the vegetables into largeish pieces (they shrink considerably) chop the baby new potatoes into 2cmx2cm pieces. Place all the vegetables into a large roasting tin add enough olive oil to coat and mix thoroughly, garlic can be added in whole cloves and also crushed and mixed in, add the chicken breasts and cook in a preheated oven (about 180c for our fan oven in the UK, not sure about temps for other ovens) after 20minutes stir thoroughly and cook for a further 20mins or until potatoes and chicken are cooked through. Serve up and enjoy!
This meal allows for large portions as there are a lot of vegetables in it which shrink a lot during cooking, the most calorific part is the olive oil, this can be used sparingly.
In other news I've lost 3lbs so far! yay. I must say I am a bit impatient and would love to have dropped say 7lbs by now as it seems like I have been trying forever but then I remember that I only started 10 days ago and I did have a few less healthy choices last weekend so I'd say I'm doing great.
I have got all my little jobs and chores done now. I had a lovely lie in this morning, I was truly comfy in my bed. Then I got up and discovered it's a beautiful sunny day. So I showered, breakfasted and got my jobs done. Since then I have sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine and pottered about the house/garden playing with the dog here and there.
Yesterday I applied for a job that I really, really want, I think my application was pretty kick-ass so I'm hopeful! Once I had finished the application I felt all excited about the possibility of getting the job!
The only downside of today is that I've been feeling pretty hungry this afternoon, it's taking all my willpower not to go into the kitchen and eat cake and chocolate and allsorts and stuff the whole healthy eating. I'm going to allow myself a treat this evening if I really want it. I am looking forward to my dinner tonight, it's healthy and yummy what more could I want?
I'll be having chicken and roasted vegetables, the recipe is as follows:
Chicken breasts (1 per person)
Onions-(half medium onion per person)
Garlic- as much as you like
Mushrooms-(small handful per person)
Peppers/capsicum-half to one per person (they shrink a lot)
Sweet potato (1 large is enough for 3 people)
Baby new potatoes-(small handful per person)
Olive oil (enough to lightly coat the vegetables)
Firstly peel and chop the sweet potato into inch square cubes, boil for 5 minutes then drain, meantime chop the vegetables into largeish pieces (they shrink considerably) chop the baby new potatoes into 2cmx2cm pieces. Place all the vegetables into a large roasting tin add enough olive oil to coat and mix thoroughly, garlic can be added in whole cloves and also crushed and mixed in, add the chicken breasts and cook in a preheated oven (about 180c for our fan oven in the UK, not sure about temps for other ovens) after 20minutes stir thoroughly and cook for a further 20mins or until potatoes and chicken are cooked through. Serve up and enjoy!
This meal allows for large portions as there are a lot of vegetables in it which shrink a lot during cooking, the most calorific part is the olive oil, this can be used sparingly.
In other news I've lost 3lbs so far! yay. I must say I am a bit impatient and would love to have dropped say 7lbs by now as it seems like I have been trying forever but then I remember that I only started 10 days ago and I did have a few less healthy choices last weekend so I'd say I'm doing great.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
So today I was welcomed officially to the healthy you challenge, I have had a couple of comments welcoming me already so that's great. I already feel encouraged and supported, thanks guys :-)
I haven't weighed myself today as I was in a rush this morning and I like to weigh first thing, I think that I won't have seen much of a difference in weight yet due to my poor eating over the weekend, so I'll weigh in later in the week or I'll wait until next week perhaps.
I have greatly reduced the amount I eat, yesterday evening I had a mars bar after work and it was so delicious! I feel that I can get away with that as previously I would be eating large quantities of chocolate several times a day as well as crisps, puddings you name it. I found I really enjoyed the mars bar whereas usually I just gobble chocolate down without really thinking about it.
At the moment I am doing some work for someone as well as my normal job, this leads to me being busy and so not thinking about food so much.
As a snapshot here is what I have eaten today
Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices wholemeal granary toast and light margarine-I figured this would fill me up longer than my usual cereal so that I didn't get a massive hunger pang at 10am.
Mid morning-half a seeds and fruit bar
Lunch-peanut butter sandwich on wholemeal granary bread, apple
Dinner-2 small baked potatoes, tuna, green beans and cauliflower
I had to force myself to have the vegetables for dinner, I really didn't want them but the thought of writing my blog post made me eat them. Ever since dinner I have still been feeling hungry, I have decided that I will have a snack later of either a small piece of cheese or some milk as I haven't really had much calcium today.
In terms of exercise I haven't done much lately, I am trying to include more lifestyle exercise. Today I cycled to where I needed to be, I think it took about 20mins each way, I could certainly feel it in my bum muscles, hopefully that means it was doing them some good.
So aims for this week:
Try to eat more fruit and vegetables as although I am eating less rubbish I am still not eating enough fruit and veg.
Get moving more-I am dogsitting as of next Saturday for a week as my parents who I live with are away. So that means I will be going for lots of walks which=good for weight loss and feeling positive. It also means I can choose what dinners I have rather than the 3 of us trying to reach a compromise and trying to have something we all like. I think I will try and make some really nourishing foods to give me a good boost.
This next week is going to be really busy with work and I also have a couple of other things on the to do list in my head, but with careful planning it will hopefully be a healthful week.
Good luck to everyone else taking part in the healthy you challenge x
I haven't weighed myself today as I was in a rush this morning and I like to weigh first thing, I think that I won't have seen much of a difference in weight yet due to my poor eating over the weekend, so I'll weigh in later in the week or I'll wait until next week perhaps.
I have greatly reduced the amount I eat, yesterday evening I had a mars bar after work and it was so delicious! I feel that I can get away with that as previously I would be eating large quantities of chocolate several times a day as well as crisps, puddings you name it. I found I really enjoyed the mars bar whereas usually I just gobble chocolate down without really thinking about it.
At the moment I am doing some work for someone as well as my normal job, this leads to me being busy and so not thinking about food so much.
As a snapshot here is what I have eaten today
Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs with 2 slices wholemeal granary toast and light margarine-I figured this would fill me up longer than my usual cereal so that I didn't get a massive hunger pang at 10am.
Mid morning-half a seeds and fruit bar
Lunch-peanut butter sandwich on wholemeal granary bread, apple
Dinner-2 small baked potatoes, tuna, green beans and cauliflower
I had to force myself to have the vegetables for dinner, I really didn't want them but the thought of writing my blog post made me eat them. Ever since dinner I have still been feeling hungry, I have decided that I will have a snack later of either a small piece of cheese or some milk as I haven't really had much calcium today.
In terms of exercise I haven't done much lately, I am trying to include more lifestyle exercise. Today I cycled to where I needed to be, I think it took about 20mins each way, I could certainly feel it in my bum muscles, hopefully that means it was doing them some good.
So aims for this week:
Try to eat more fruit and vegetables as although I am eating less rubbish I am still not eating enough fruit and veg.
Get moving more-I am dogsitting as of next Saturday for a week as my parents who I live with are away. So that means I will be going for lots of walks which=good for weight loss and feeling positive. It also means I can choose what dinners I have rather than the 3 of us trying to reach a compromise and trying to have something we all like. I think I will try and make some really nourishing foods to give me a good boost.
This next week is going to be really busy with work and I also have a couple of other things on the to do list in my head, but with careful planning it will hopefully be a healthful week.
Good luck to everyone else taking part in the healthy you challenge x
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Healthy You Challenge
So I have a degree in nutrition, I know what I need to do and how I should do it, but it never quite works that way does it?
I'm talking about my weight and eating here. I am unhappy with my weight and the food choices I make a lot of the time. My sister is taking part in the healthy you challenge at http://www.scalejunkie.com and I thought hey this is just what I need, somewhere for support and to see that I'm not the only one etc. If I can blog about my experiences then it should help me to stay focussed and motivated. So I have emailed to join and I have been trying to add one of the buttons to my blog but as yet it comes up with an error message when I try to put it in!
I started trying to lose again last week, I have been eating better than I usually do but found that towards the end of the week the amount of junk I have been eating has crept up. If only being healthy was easy! I have also found myself lacking in energy and motivation to exercise lately.
Hopefully this week will be better, I just feel time has been passing so quickly lately and I have been busy working etc and what with working different hours each week it's hard to find the time to plan meals etc.
I'm talking about my weight and eating here. I am unhappy with my weight and the food choices I make a lot of the time. My sister is taking part in the healthy you challenge at http://www.scalejunkie.com and I thought hey this is just what I need, somewhere for support and to see that I'm not the only one etc. If I can blog about my experiences then it should help me to stay focussed and motivated. So I have emailed to join and I have been trying to add one of the buttons to my blog but as yet it comes up with an error message when I try to put it in!
I started trying to lose again last week, I have been eating better than I usually do but found that towards the end of the week the amount of junk I have been eating has crept up. If only being healthy was easy! I have also found myself lacking in energy and motivation to exercise lately.
Hopefully this week will be better, I just feel time has been passing so quickly lately and I have been busy working etc and what with working different hours each week it's hard to find the time to plan meals etc.
Friday, 11 September 2009
The sun is out yippee!
I have just popped online quickly to order something and to check train times for tomorrow.
I'm off to the pub tonight with some friends and then tomorrow I am off to Manchester for one night for a goodbye type thing for my friend who is moving back to St Helena where she is originally from. I am very much looking forward to both occassions although it will be hard to say goodbye, I realised how much I miss my uni mates when we were texting earlier this week to finalise arrangements. It will be great to have a catch up :-)
Right now I am off back out into the sunshine to enjoy it while it lasts.
I have just popped online quickly to order something and to check train times for tomorrow.
I'm off to the pub tonight with some friends and then tomorrow I am off to Manchester for one night for a goodbye type thing for my friend who is moving back to St Helena where she is originally from. I am very much looking forward to both occassions although it will be hard to say goodbye, I realised how much I miss my uni mates when we were texting earlier this week to finalise arrangements. It will be great to have a catch up :-)
Right now I am off back out into the sunshine to enjoy it while it lasts.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
101 in 1001
A few years ago my sister introduced me to the 101 in 1001 project, I immediately set to work creating my own list, I am now on my 2nd list, details of which can be found below.
Day zero is the 'home' of the 101 in 1001 project http://dayzeroproject.com/ the descriptive information below is taken from that website.
The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
Below is my 101 in 1001 list, items in bold are ones I have completed, my list expires on Tuesday 13th September 2011.
1. Complete a half marathon
2. Graduate from university
3. Walk/cycle everywhere for 1 week
4. Go on holiday abroad
5. Continue to give blood regularly-this one can't be ticked off until the end of the 1001 days.
6. Make baked Alaska and invite Laura and Kirstie round to try it
7. Make a gingerbread and sweetie house
8. Type all the recipes out from Gran’s cookbook
9. Make the wartime fudge from Gran’s recipe
10. Go to the beach
11. Make Christmas dinner
12. Eat only homebaked bread for 1 month
13. Make jam
14. Learn some basic Italian
15. Go sledging
16. Learn to play squash
17. Eat 5-a-day fruit/veg everyday for one month
18. Eat 3-a-day dairy everyday for one month
19. Complete a full marathon
20. Go camping
21. Go on the London eye
22. Teach Milo to rollover properly(get him to do it once!)
23. Journal properly for 1 month
24. Cook a new recipe once a month
25. Join the bone marrow register-this one is a little awkward as I have since found out I am not eligible to be a bone marrow donor due to my latex allergy. Therefore I need to think of something else to add in here.
26. Go crabbing
27. Watch the sunrise
28. Go horse riding
29. Don’t eat meat for one week
30. Go ice skating
31. Bake something for Milo to eat from the dogtreats recipe book
32. Cycle to Kimmi’s house
33. Climb a tree
34. Make my own mulled wine
35. Go to Scotland
36. Go Carol singing with Laura
37. Go rollerskating
38. Buy someone some flowers
39. Read all of the lord of the rings
40. Go for one month without eating any chocolate (means no hot choc too)
41. Buy something with the £50 from Nan for my 18th
42. Play the lottery 10 times over the 1001 days
43. Keep a record of everything I spend for a week
44. Paint a picture-this was done whilst working at the playscheme!
45. Spend an entire day in my pjs
46. Take part in a conservation project
47. Eat oily fish twice a week for 6 weeks
48. Take an evening class
49. Get a manicure.
50. Go to York again.
51. Climb Ben Nevis.
52. Bake a cake for someone.
53. Make my own sweets.
54. Watch all three the lord of the rings films in a row.
55. Make a massive sandcastle.
56. Go on a ghost tour (and try not to suffer nightmares afterwards!).
57. Watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
58. Watch all of the labyrinth.
59. Walk round Grasmere and Rydal Water (Lake District).
60. Buy something designer-my glasses are.
61. Do karaoke again.
62. Have a weekend in a new city.
63. Make my own tiramisu.
64. Try yoga.
65. Make pretzels.
66. Get into my old jeans.
67. Customise something.
68. Get something from Tiffany’s.
69. Make my own nutella type thing.
70. Spend one day a week off facebook for 6 weeks.
71. Enter more competitions (as Mr Jones used to say if you don’t enter you can’t win)-I have been entering a lot more competitions, I will need to continue to do so for the duration of 1001 days to ensure this stays as a completed item.
72. Make flat chips.
73. Feed the birds.
74. Have a tapas night.
75. Read 101 books over the 1001 days.
76. Epilate my legs at least 20 times over the 1001 days.
77. Do some regular volunteer work.
78. Go on a lot more walks to different places locally.
79. Go to Warwick castle (again).
80. Go to Birmingham shopping.
81. Have a barbecue.
82. Cook over a camp fire.
83. Make a themed cake (something in the spirit of the pirate cake we made before).
84. Make chocolate truffles.
85. Buy some more matching underwear.
86. Visit Stonehenge (again).
87. Visit Liverpool.
88. Visit Blackpool.
89. Go at least one day a week without eating choc for 3 months.
90. Make my own cereal bars.
91. Throw a 3 course dinner party.
92. Learn to change a tyre.
93. Have a poker night.
94. Learn to play chess.
95. Throw a proper slumber party.
96. Visit Ireland.
97. Learn to play 10 songs on the piano.
98. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe.
99. Make a bracelet.
100. Go to a pub quiz.
101. On day 1001 write a new list.
When I look at my list it makes me feel inspired, also some of the things make me cringe as some of them are a bit materialistic. Having written this post I feel determined to get on and get some more tasks completed.
Day zero is the 'home' of the 101 in 1001 project http://dayzeroproject.com/ the descriptive information below is taken from that website.
The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
Below is my 101 in 1001 list, items in bold are ones I have completed, my list expires on Tuesday 13th September 2011.
1. Complete a half marathon
2. Graduate from university
3. Walk/cycle everywhere for 1 week
4. Go on holiday abroad
5. Continue to give blood regularly-this one can't be ticked off until the end of the 1001 days.
6. Make baked Alaska and invite Laura and Kirstie round to try it
7. Make a gingerbread and sweetie house
8. Type all the recipes out from Gran’s cookbook
9. Make the wartime fudge from Gran’s recipe
10. Go to the beach
11. Make Christmas dinner
12. Eat only homebaked bread for 1 month
13. Make jam
14. Learn some basic Italian
15. Go sledging
16. Learn to play squash
17. Eat 5-a-day fruit/veg everyday for one month
18. Eat 3-a-day dairy everyday for one month
19. Complete a full marathon
20. Go camping
21. Go on the London eye
22. Teach Milo to rollover properly(get him to do it once!)
23. Journal properly for 1 month
24. Cook a new recipe once a month
25. Join the bone marrow register-this one is a little awkward as I have since found out I am not eligible to be a bone marrow donor due to my latex allergy. Therefore I need to think of something else to add in here.
26. Go crabbing
27. Watch the sunrise
28. Go horse riding
29. Don’t eat meat for one week
30. Go ice skating
31. Bake something for Milo to eat from the dogtreats recipe book
32. Cycle to Kimmi’s house
33. Climb a tree
34. Make my own mulled wine
35. Go to Scotland
36. Go Carol singing with Laura
37. Go rollerskating
38. Buy someone some flowers
39. Read all of the lord of the rings
40. Go for one month without eating any chocolate (means no hot choc too)
41. Buy something with the £50 from Nan for my 18th
42. Play the lottery 10 times over the 1001 days
43. Keep a record of everything I spend for a week
44. Paint a picture-this was done whilst working at the playscheme!
45. Spend an entire day in my pjs
46. Take part in a conservation project
47. Eat oily fish twice a week for 6 weeks
48. Take an evening class
49. Get a manicure.
50. Go to York again.
51. Climb Ben Nevis.
52. Bake a cake for someone.
53. Make my own sweets.
54. Watch all three the lord of the rings films in a row.
55. Make a massive sandcastle.
56. Go on a ghost tour (and try not to suffer nightmares afterwards!).
57. Watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
58. Watch all of the labyrinth.
59. Walk round Grasmere and Rydal Water (Lake District).
60. Buy something designer-my glasses are.
61. Do karaoke again.
62. Have a weekend in a new city.
63. Make my own tiramisu.
64. Try yoga.
65. Make pretzels.
66. Get into my old jeans.
67. Customise something.
68. Get something from Tiffany’s.
69. Make my own nutella type thing.
70. Spend one day a week off facebook for 6 weeks.
71. Enter more competitions (as Mr Jones used to say if you don’t enter you can’t win)-I have been entering a lot more competitions, I will need to continue to do so for the duration of 1001 days to ensure this stays as a completed item.
72. Make flat chips.
73. Feed the birds.
74. Have a tapas night.
75. Read 101 books over the 1001 days.
76. Epilate my legs at least 20 times over the 1001 days.
77. Do some regular volunteer work.
78. Go on a lot more walks to different places locally.
79. Go to Warwick castle (again).
80. Go to Birmingham shopping.
81. Have a barbecue.
82. Cook over a camp fire.
83. Make a themed cake (something in the spirit of the pirate cake we made before).
84. Make chocolate truffles.
85. Buy some more matching underwear.
86. Visit Stonehenge (again).
87. Visit Liverpool.
88. Visit Blackpool.
89. Go at least one day a week without eating choc for 3 months.
90. Make my own cereal bars.
91. Throw a 3 course dinner party.
92. Learn to change a tyre.
93. Have a poker night.
94. Learn to play chess.
95. Throw a proper slumber party.
96. Visit Ireland.
97. Learn to play 10 songs on the piano.
98. See a Shakespeare play at the Globe.
99. Make a bracelet.
100. Go to a pub quiz.
101. On day 1001 write a new list.
When I look at my list it makes me feel inspired, also some of the things make me cringe as some of them are a bit materialistic. Having written this post I feel determined to get on and get some more tasks completed.
The one in which I post for the first time in a week
Yes I am still here, I haven't abandoned my blog. (hmm after typing that sentence it seems that the 'b' on my keyboard does not want to work very well and requires extra effort to work)
I think I will keep brief things I meant to blog about that got delayed due to me being ill, as they were over a week ago now and I am still feeling a bit ill.
As I said previously I had fun in Cardiff. We went to Cardiff Bay and I really enjoyed it. We ate out and were both stuffed afterwards! Then we had a mooch, I was very impressed with the Millenium Centre and another building, think my friend said it was the welsh assembly. Anyway another highlight of the trip was going on the merry go round-I think that's what it's called, the one with the horses. It went pretty fast and was great fun, there were more adults on there than children!
I really can't remember what else I have gotten up to!
I eventually went to the doctors about my throat, the doc thinks it was a reaction to either toothpaste or something I had eaten and it had then got infected. I had ended up with some patches on the roof of my mouth too. So I was prescribed antibiotics and some stuff to gargle to take the inflammation down and have to go back if they return again. Since I went to the docs I ended up with more spots but they are down to 2 now and my throat is much less sore. I am still feeling very lacking in energy though.
I haven't got many shifts at work for the next while, this means that I can have a few lazy days in which to hopefully gain some more energy! We are all on a health kick in our house as of today and hopefully the combination of a bit more rest and eating slightly healthier will sort me right out.
The only other thing I have been up to is that a couple of my friends stayed over Sunday night and we had a lovely evening, we put a dvd on but then talked all the way through. We all agreed we should do stuff like that more often. Time goes by so quickly and I will suddenly think cor I haven't seen so and so for ages. It's awkward with me frequently working evenings and weekends, but I am determined to find the time to do stuff like that more often.
Yes I am still here, I haven't abandoned my blog. (hmm after typing that sentence it seems that the 'b' on my keyboard does not want to work very well and requires extra effort to work)
I think I will keep brief things I meant to blog about that got delayed due to me being ill, as they were over a week ago now and I am still feeling a bit ill.
As I said previously I had fun in Cardiff. We went to Cardiff Bay and I really enjoyed it. We ate out and were both stuffed afterwards! Then we had a mooch, I was very impressed with the Millenium Centre and another building, think my friend said it was the welsh assembly. Anyway another highlight of the trip was going on the merry go round-I think that's what it's called, the one with the horses. It went pretty fast and was great fun, there were more adults on there than children!
I really can't remember what else I have gotten up to!
I eventually went to the doctors about my throat, the doc thinks it was a reaction to either toothpaste or something I had eaten and it had then got infected. I had ended up with some patches on the roof of my mouth too. So I was prescribed antibiotics and some stuff to gargle to take the inflammation down and have to go back if they return again. Since I went to the docs I ended up with more spots but they are down to 2 now and my throat is much less sore. I am still feeling very lacking in energy though.
I haven't got many shifts at work for the next while, this means that I can have a few lazy days in which to hopefully gain some more energy! We are all on a health kick in our house as of today and hopefully the combination of a bit more rest and eating slightly healthier will sort me right out.
The only other thing I have been up to is that a couple of my friends stayed over Sunday night and we had a lovely evening, we put a dvd on but then talked all the way through. We all agreed we should do stuff like that more often. Time goes by so quickly and I will suddenly think cor I haven't seen so and so for ages. It's awkward with me frequently working evenings and weekends, but I am determined to find the time to do stuff like that more often.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Still feeling rough
The sore throat is still here and is worse, I felt really weak this morning and super lethargic, the spot has grown and it hurts a lot more to eat. I had today off work. I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can go to work. I don't get paid if I don't go and staying at home is pretty boring. I rested a lot of today but then started to get a bit bored.
Normal blogging will resume shortly,
Soph x
Normal blogging will resume shortly,
Soph x
Monday, 24 August 2009
A quick snapshot
This post isn't going to be very long, I have quite a few things to blog but it's getting late and I have a sore throat again.
I have a giant white spot in my throat (lovely I know), I keep getting individual white spots either on the roof of my mouth or kinda on my throat. This has been happening occassionally for months and over the last couple of months rather a lot. It went away for a while but now has come back. This one is rather sore and it hurts to talk. Everyone at work tomorrow will love the fact I can't talk normally!
So anyway that is kind of why I am not posting much tonight. I think I should get an early night.
I had fun in Cardiff on Friday. I will post on that soon.
I have a giant white spot in my throat (lovely I know), I keep getting individual white spots either on the roof of my mouth or kinda on my throat. This has been happening occassionally for months and over the last couple of months rather a lot. It went away for a while but now has come back. This one is rather sore and it hurts to talk. Everyone at work tomorrow will love the fact I can't talk normally!
So anyway that is kind of why I am not posting much tonight. I think I should get an early night.
I had fun in Cardiff on Friday. I will post on that soon.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
New phone and Cardiff
Oh dear, I haven't posted in nearly a week.
I got my new phone yesterday, I decided to get a new one as my old phone was starting to not work very well. I think it was only a matter of time before it became unusable. I am very pleased with my choice and am enjoying my new phone. I'm trying to be really careful with it as I don't want to scratch it or anything. I think I may get some sort of silicone cover or a case for it.
Tomorrow I am going to Cardiff to visit a friend for the night, I am going to take my old phone so I don't have to worry about the new one! After that I will then change over to my new phone full time. We are planning to go out for a meal and a couple of cocktails. No more because my friend has work the next day. I'm really looking forward to it. The bonus is also that the train journey isn't too long. Especially compared to when I used to make the trip down from Manchester to Cardiff, that was a trek!
I have work this evening, I'm feeling pretty tired but hopefully it will be an ok shift. After I return on Saturday I am going to watch the X factor! I should get back around lunchtime so if the weather is nice I'll sit in the garden reading I think. Sunday I have work, in fact next week is very busy with work.
It was beautiful weather yesterday, it's raining today but I don't mind. I would like some more nice weather before the summer ends because otherwise it's kind of depressing realising we would have to wait until next spring. Hopefully September will be nice.
I got my new phone yesterday, I decided to get a new one as my old phone was starting to not work very well. I think it was only a matter of time before it became unusable. I am very pleased with my choice and am enjoying my new phone. I'm trying to be really careful with it as I don't want to scratch it or anything. I think I may get some sort of silicone cover or a case for it.
Tomorrow I am going to Cardiff to visit a friend for the night, I am going to take my old phone so I don't have to worry about the new one! After that I will then change over to my new phone full time. We are planning to go out for a meal and a couple of cocktails. No more because my friend has work the next day. I'm really looking forward to it. The bonus is also that the train journey isn't too long. Especially compared to when I used to make the trip down from Manchester to Cardiff, that was a trek!
I have work this evening, I'm feeling pretty tired but hopefully it will be an ok shift. After I return on Saturday I am going to watch the X factor! I should get back around lunchtime so if the weather is nice I'll sit in the garden reading I think. Sunday I have work, in fact next week is very busy with work.
It was beautiful weather yesterday, it's raining today but I don't mind. I would like some more nice weather before the summer ends because otherwise it's kind of depressing realising we would have to wait until next spring. Hopefully September will be nice.
Friday, 14 August 2009
I currently have a loaf of bread in the breadmaker, I can make bread without the use of the breadmaker but just fancied a homebaked loaf with less of the mess. I am working the late today so will have something cooked for lunch then take a sandwich with my homebaked bread :-). Being a nutritionist I always reduce the amount of salt in the recipe when I make bread. I know many people believe that bread must have salt for the texture and yeast etc etc, but my homebaked bread has always tasted delicious even with a cut in salt and never had any problems with texture etc.
I have work tomorrow and Sunday too, but am having Monday and Tuesday off so will have my weekend then.
Not much else to report.
I have work tomorrow and Sunday too, but am having Monday and Tuesday off so will have my weekend then.
Not much else to report.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Bike ride
It's my day off today, I went for a bike ride late morning after much shall I go? shan't I go? Can't be botheredness. So I went and cycled 10miles, pretty good considering I have done barely any exercise over the last month or so. I feel much happier after my bike ride. I intend to try and go on that sort of length bike rides maybe once or twice a week until the weather gets worse and the nights draw in later on in the year. I had time to think on my bike ride and pretty much everyone I saw on the ride said good morning or we exchanged smiles/nods. It's not sunny today it's cloudy but warm. Yesterday after my course in the morning it was gloriously sunny, the sort of weather where you feel all is well in the world. So I got some more wear out of my new shorts!
I have some housework to do this afternoon, mopping the floor and tidying and such like. I will go and do that in a moment. Tonight I am staying in as per usual and will probably read some more of my book and watch a bit of tv. I only have a short shift at work tomorrow before my longer shifts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's so nice to have days off, I'm really appreciating them after having had hardly any days off the last couple of weeks.
I have some housework to do this afternoon, mopping the floor and tidying and such like. I will go and do that in a moment. Tonight I am staying in as per usual and will probably read some more of my book and watch a bit of tv. I only have a short shift at work tomorrow before my longer shifts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's so nice to have days off, I'm really appreciating them after having had hardly any days off the last couple of weeks.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Tired (and a bit grumpy)
I didn't sleep well last night, I was too hot and so tossed and turned for quite a while. I didn't feel too tired until after I got back from work.
I finished early as we didn't have many children in this afternoon, so someone got to go home and today it was me. I had asked if it could be me so I could keep an eye on the dog. After getting home I read the paper and then tried to watch something I had recorded on sky plus a while ago. After 10minutes I could feel my eyelids drooping until I could wait no more and needed a sleep, so I turned it off and had a 15 minute nap and felt loads better for it. I was a bit headachy afterwards so had a drink and a piece of toast.
We took the dog for his check up at the vets and his leg was looking loads better, he will have his stitches out next Monday and in the mean time has to still wear his 'lampshade' as I call it. It must be a bit uncomfortable but in the long run it's for the best.
I have just checked my email and had a rejection letter for a job I applied for that I really, really wanted. Even though I had assumed I hadn't got it as the date given on the job advert for the interviews was last week I feel disappointed as it sounded a great job and a bit down about the whole job hunt thing, there are so few suitable jobs around.
I shall keep on looking though, I know something will come up eventually.
Early night for me tonight, I have a training thing on in the morning and then the rest of the day off, so I'm hoping for nice weather tomorrow afternoon so I can sit in the garden reading. My current book is Black Swan Green by David Mitchell. I'm quite enjoying it. I also really fancy cooking something, I'm totally in the mood for cooking at the mo. :-)
I finished early as we didn't have many children in this afternoon, so someone got to go home and today it was me. I had asked if it could be me so I could keep an eye on the dog. After getting home I read the paper and then tried to watch something I had recorded on sky plus a while ago. After 10minutes I could feel my eyelids drooping until I could wait no more and needed a sleep, so I turned it off and had a 15 minute nap and felt loads better for it. I was a bit headachy afterwards so had a drink and a piece of toast.
We took the dog for his check up at the vets and his leg was looking loads better, he will have his stitches out next Monday and in the mean time has to still wear his 'lampshade' as I call it. It must be a bit uncomfortable but in the long run it's for the best.
I have just checked my email and had a rejection letter for a job I applied for that I really, really wanted. Even though I had assumed I hadn't got it as the date given on the job advert for the interviews was last week I feel disappointed as it sounded a great job and a bit down about the whole job hunt thing, there are so few suitable jobs around.
I shall keep on looking though, I know something will come up eventually.
Early night for me tonight, I have a training thing on in the morning and then the rest of the day off, so I'm hoping for nice weather tomorrow afternoon so I can sit in the garden reading. My current book is Black Swan Green by David Mitchell. I'm quite enjoying it. I also really fancy cooking something, I'm totally in the mood for cooking at the mo. :-)
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Sunshine, Shopping, Shortbread and Cake
My kinda day! I made cake and shortbread (both of the chocolate variety)yesterday morning before work. The cake for my friend as it was her birthday this week and the shortbread just to have as a treat.
It was a lovely day today, sunny and warm but not scorchingly makes you feel ill too hot :-) The sort of weather that makes you feel all mellow and chilled. When my friend came over we mooched into town and after saying can we just pop in New Look I ended up with 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of leggings and a lush lush lush dress! Apparently women feel guilty themselves after shopping and don't need nagging to feel that way, but not me, I was very pleased with myself indeed. Perhaps because I have barely any clothes that haven't got a hole in or aren't ill fitting and because I haven't bought any clothes in absolutely ages. The last clothes I bought were to wear to my graduation so were kinda essential. I'm so looking forward to wearing my new clothes :-) I love wearing something new for the first time.
After town we came back to mine and tucked into the cake, then once my friend had gone home I chilled in the back garden reading the paper. It was bliss, I keep forgetting that I've got tomorrow off work, I'm so used to only having one day off at once and working weekends. I'm hoping for nice weather again tomorrow so I can chill in the garden. I am making a roast for lunch for myself, my brother, his gf and my sis. Other than that it's gonna be a lazy Sunday.
In other news the dog's op went well, he seems more bothered by the lampshade he has to wear so he doesnt chew the stitches than he is by his wound. I thought he would be whimpering all the time and barely walking but boy was I wrong! My dad took him for a short walk today on his lead as that's all he's allowed and he apparently wanted to keep going!
Here's hoping for nice weather tomorrow and enough nice weather for the rest of the summer for me to get some wear out of all the summery clothes I bought today.
It was a lovely day today, sunny and warm but not scorchingly makes you feel ill too hot :-) The sort of weather that makes you feel all mellow and chilled. When my friend came over we mooched into town and after saying can we just pop in New Look I ended up with 2 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of leggings and a lush lush lush dress! Apparently women feel guilty themselves after shopping and don't need nagging to feel that way, but not me, I was very pleased with myself indeed. Perhaps because I have barely any clothes that haven't got a hole in or aren't ill fitting and because I haven't bought any clothes in absolutely ages. The last clothes I bought were to wear to my graduation so were kinda essential. I'm so looking forward to wearing my new clothes :-) I love wearing something new for the first time.
After town we came back to mine and tucked into the cake, then once my friend had gone home I chilled in the back garden reading the paper. It was bliss, I keep forgetting that I've got tomorrow off work, I'm so used to only having one day off at once and working weekends. I'm hoping for nice weather again tomorrow so I can chill in the garden. I am making a roast for lunch for myself, my brother, his gf and my sis. Other than that it's gonna be a lazy Sunday.
In other news the dog's op went well, he seems more bothered by the lampshade he has to wear so he doesnt chew the stitches than he is by his wound. I thought he would be whimpering all the time and barely walking but boy was I wrong! My dad took him for a short walk today on his lead as that's all he's allowed and he apparently wanted to keep going!
Here's hoping for nice weather tomorrow and enough nice weather for the rest of the summer for me to get some wear out of all the summery clothes I bought today.
Friday, 7 August 2009
A short entry
I worked the late tonight, which is why I am on the computer at 20 to 1 in the morning.
I have the whole weekend off this weekend which is good because I won't have had a day off at all for 2 weeks and this will be the first whole weekend I've had off in a couple of months.
I'm working the late again tomorrow, before work I need to pop into town to get a few bits and I'm going to bake a cake.
My dog is having an operation in the morning, so I will get up to give him a cuddle before my dad takes him to the vets, then possibly snooze for a bit longer before I get up and on with my day.
Saturday I am seeing my friend and we are supposed to be going somewhere for a picnic. Then Sunday a chilled out day at home and I'm gonna make a roast dinner for the family, yum yum yum.
It started raining at 12.30 lunchtime today and it has yet to stop. The car park at work was almost completely submerged when I left this evening, if it carries on wellies will be needed tomorrow! I have to say I now have a massive urge to go jumping in puddles like a little kid!
I have the whole weekend off this weekend which is good because I won't have had a day off at all for 2 weeks and this will be the first whole weekend I've had off in a couple of months.
I'm working the late again tomorrow, before work I need to pop into town to get a few bits and I'm going to bake a cake.
My dog is having an operation in the morning, so I will get up to give him a cuddle before my dad takes him to the vets, then possibly snooze for a bit longer before I get up and on with my day.
Saturday I am seeing my friend and we are supposed to be going somewhere for a picnic. Then Sunday a chilled out day at home and I'm gonna make a roast dinner for the family, yum yum yum.
It started raining at 12.30 lunchtime today and it has yet to stop. The car park at work was almost completely submerged when I left this evening, if it carries on wellies will be needed tomorrow! I have to say I now have a massive urge to go jumping in puddles like a little kid!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Giving blood
I had an appointment to give blood today, it would have been my fourth ever donation. The first time I ever gave blood was in May 2008. Since then I have become a regular donor, although twice I have had to delay slightly due to falling ill both for my 2nd and 3rd donations! So anyway today I went and I was feeling tip top despite having got up at 5.30am for work. Went through the health questionnaire had to speak to the nurse as I have a new mousse thing for my psoriasis on my scalp. Yes all fine. Ok finger prick, drop of blood floats straight to the top. The guy suggests that if I had just put moisturiser on that can affect the result, so takes another pipetteful, it does the same. So he says we'll need to take a blood sample and test it in our machine. He advised that next time I shouldn't moisturise my hands prior, I told him I had washed my hands with soap then moisturised. Apparently liquid soap and moisturiser are both things that can affect results of the fingerprick test.
So I'm there cursing myself that I'll have to have 2 needles instead of one today. I felt sure it would have been the moisturiser. But no he returns after taking the blood test with a leaflet and informs me my haemoglobin was 124 (i'm not sure what the units are) and that the cut off is 125! So I am the tiniest bit low. This is fine I understand that a cut off is a cut off. I was expecting him to say wait a couple of weeks maybe even a month and then come back but it turns out I have to wait 3 months! I was rather shocked by that. I'm disappointed in myself for not eating enough iron. At least now I can make an effort to increase my intake. I think I havent had much iron lately and have probably been using my stores. The leaflet suggests aiming for 3 iron rich foods a day.
I was disappointed because I'm supposed to be a nutritionist and know what to eat etc! And I feel like a weakling! I like giving blood, it's a great feeling to think that you could have saved someones life. I feel like someone will be missing out on my blood, especially as I am O negative which is always in demand. A lesson has been learned and I'll keep more of an eye on what I'm eating now. I'll try to increase my intake overall of iron and also have extra, extra in the period just before I'm allowed back to try again!
As always the blood service staff were very friendly, helpful and just generally great. They really make you feel welcome and want to return again next time.
Not much else to report, early night for me tonight I reckon.
So I'm there cursing myself that I'll have to have 2 needles instead of one today. I felt sure it would have been the moisturiser. But no he returns after taking the blood test with a leaflet and informs me my haemoglobin was 124 (i'm not sure what the units are) and that the cut off is 125! So I am the tiniest bit low. This is fine I understand that a cut off is a cut off. I was expecting him to say wait a couple of weeks maybe even a month and then come back but it turns out I have to wait 3 months! I was rather shocked by that. I'm disappointed in myself for not eating enough iron. At least now I can make an effort to increase my intake. I think I havent had much iron lately and have probably been using my stores. The leaflet suggests aiming for 3 iron rich foods a day.
I was disappointed because I'm supposed to be a nutritionist and know what to eat etc! And I feel like a weakling! I like giving blood, it's a great feeling to think that you could have saved someones life. I feel like someone will be missing out on my blood, especially as I am O negative which is always in demand. A lesson has been learned and I'll keep more of an eye on what I'm eating now. I'll try to increase my intake overall of iron and also have extra, extra in the period just before I'm allowed back to try again!
As always the blood service staff were very friendly, helpful and just generally great. They really make you feel welcome and want to return again next time.
Not much else to report, early night for me tonight I reckon.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
lovely lunch
I went into town this morning to pick up a letter which had been too big to fit through our letterbox, it was the photos of me shaking the guys hand (I can't work out who he was other than important!) at my graduation. The posed photos of me with the pretend scroll haven't arrived yet.
I then popped into Sainsburys to get some bits for lunch. I decided to have a cooked lunch as I start work at 5pm tonight and trying to eat dinner before then is a bit too early so I will take a sandwich with me. I have to say I bought the healthiest shopping ever. Well maybe not ever. I decided to have roasted veg for lunch with sweet potato, but for some reason there were no sweet potatoes to be seen so I went for butternut squash instead. I had butternut squash, onion, red pepper, mushrooms, garlic, chilli and cinnamon with a touch of olive oil all roasted together. Then just before the end I chucked some cooked frozen prawns in. It was bloody delicious! Wasn't sure whether it would be nice or whether the cinnamon would have been a mistake. Then I had strawberries with a little bit of melted dark chocolate. Yum, yum, yum.
I'm having a bit of a boring weekend really this weekend, got work tomorrow as well. I want to go for a bike ride before work tomorrow if the weather's ok. I'm not doing much before work today, being very lazy I think. I have next weekend off so am planning some fun things :-) I'm working on Monday and have to start extra early due to the antiviral collection point being in one of the rooms and them needing to get in to set up before they open. Which is the same reason why I have work tonight as they are open later than our usual closing time on a Saturday. I can't complain it means I earn some extra money and whilst I'm not a morning person there is something satisfying in being up really early and getting on with things. I'm off to give blood after work and then will probably do nothing for the rest of the day. Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri I am working the late. Saturday I am planning to see my friend Gemma who is 21 this week. If we have time before that I am hoping to go and look at some cars to get an idea of the price for the type of car I want.
Right now I have to go and do some tidying up.
I then popped into Sainsburys to get some bits for lunch. I decided to have a cooked lunch as I start work at 5pm tonight and trying to eat dinner before then is a bit too early so I will take a sandwich with me. I have to say I bought the healthiest shopping ever. Well maybe not ever. I decided to have roasted veg for lunch with sweet potato, but for some reason there were no sweet potatoes to be seen so I went for butternut squash instead. I had butternut squash, onion, red pepper, mushrooms, garlic, chilli and cinnamon with a touch of olive oil all roasted together. Then just before the end I chucked some cooked frozen prawns in. It was bloody delicious! Wasn't sure whether it would be nice or whether the cinnamon would have been a mistake. Then I had strawberries with a little bit of melted dark chocolate. Yum, yum, yum.
I'm having a bit of a boring weekend really this weekend, got work tomorrow as well. I want to go for a bike ride before work tomorrow if the weather's ok. I'm not doing much before work today, being very lazy I think. I have next weekend off so am planning some fun things :-) I'm working on Monday and have to start extra early due to the antiviral collection point being in one of the rooms and them needing to get in to set up before they open. Which is the same reason why I have work tonight as they are open later than our usual closing time on a Saturday. I can't complain it means I earn some extra money and whilst I'm not a morning person there is something satisfying in being up really early and getting on with things. I'm off to give blood after work and then will probably do nothing for the rest of the day. Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri I am working the late. Saturday I am planning to see my friend Gemma who is 21 this week. If we have time before that I am hoping to go and look at some cars to get an idea of the price for the type of car I want.
Right now I have to go and do some tidying up.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
A creepy drive home
I visited my friend in Henley last night, I left to come home at about 10.45. Part of the journey is on country roads going through a dark forest. So before I left knowing I might get frightened I locked my car doors to give me reassurance should I have to slow down or stop. Most of the journey was spent driving on full beams as there were hardly any cars around, so I only needed to dip them every now and again. The rain was driving down and looking in my mirrors behind me all I could see was pitch black. I thought I wasn't frightened, I thought I was ok. I had my cd player on and I reassured myself that I was driving at 50mph and I was safe. Until suddenly a man's voice booms out and I jump out of my skin, my heart pounding. "In 300 yards turn left"
I had to laugh once my heart beat had returned to normal!
I had to laugh once my heart beat had returned to normal!
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